Monday, September 13, 2010

one motley crew

I'm trying to make up for lost time on this here's some recent pics of the kids.
Madelyn now goes to a moms-morning-out program on Tuesday and Thursdays.
She was so excited to need a "pack-pack" and a "yunchbox".
This pic was from her first morning and I wish she looked more excited, ahem!

These 2 pic's were from the boys first day of school...
Maddie just likes to get in on the action too!
Off they were....Andre in K, Ramiro in 1st grade and Dakota in 7th grade.
(Ramiro's morning meds had not quite hit yet
so he was still off in his own little world,
Lord bless his teacher!)

As I look at these 4 kids I'm reminded of this past baseball season when
Dakota had a mishap with a baseball in the mouth.
As I raced home to drop off the little kids to my Dad and get to the ER
Dakota was quickly getting out of control from the pain and blood.

In moments like those one of the things that happens,
and it warms my heart,
is that the kids become very emotional
from seeing one of them hurting so badly.

By the time I got home, I had all 3 of the little kids squalling as well.
They fight like nobodies business,
don't get me wrong.....
but when push comes to shove,
these kids are tight!

Friday, September 10, 2010

My baby can RUN!!

Football. The south. Enough said.
And my boys are no exception, they love some football.
Except for one thing:

I'm not sure what they are feeding these boys down here,
but this first shot is just to show you what we're dealing with here in size.
So #92 back there....he's 11 (6th grade)!!
And my son, the big strapping brut #16 there in front, Dakota...he's 12 (7th grade).
It's enough to make this mother pace the sidelines,
holler like a wild woman and
be ready to jump the fence at any given moment
if her child is down for more than 2 seconds!

Never the less, Dakota is doing so well!
That's him there with the ball on the left.

And there.

And there.
First down baby!!
Way to run, 1*6*!!
And then, his biggest play of the season so far....
(#75 you'd better not even think about it....)

he's got the ball,
and he's got his work cut out for him,
50 yards away from the end zone....
hurry babe, hurry!

Run Kota, Run!

(about here I began to feel my vocal chords issue a warning:

please stop this abusive screaming! I ignore.)

Faster D, faster!!

Your not done yet, blue/white are all over you babe....

go Kota Man, run your heart out!!

He successfully "juked" those kids there....and was GONE BABY!!

(about here...his mother in the stands is loosing her ever lovin' mind, and her voice!)


Now that is a beautiful sight when your son had the ball!

Dakota was later thankful to find out that I decided NOT to jump the fence

and join in the "body bump" in the end zone. Just sayin'.

It was a close call.