Thursday, February 18, 2016

simple words

And so there it was- in the strangest of places, in the middle of no where, completely unexpected. As is often the case. 

I had never been to this area before and I honestly only knew my general location; Tennessee. I was along for the ride run that weekend and this particular day was spent in the woods along a river and ultimately it led me here; Be love. So that's where I was.

In this particular season of my life, this word comes up often and sits in the front row with it's hand held up high. What is love exactly? Is it something you fall in? slip in? discover? uncover? run into? 

or be?

What I do know is this: love is patient, kind, does not envy, boast, or dishonor others- it is not self seeking, not easily angered, keeps no records of wrongs, and rejoices with truth- it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres and {because of what it is at all times} never fails. (1Cor. 13)

A few weeks previously I journaled these verses and mistakenly wrote:
allways protects, allways trusts, allways hopes, allways perseveres.

Duh but YES!
Love is at all times, in every way; 
an always, in all ways.
It's about BE-ing. 

How am I being love? Am I always, in all ways? 
What does that look like on a daily basis?

So I'm still wrestling with more questions than answers and I still don't feel sure of my exact location...but I'm hopeful about being found in the strangest of places, in the middle of the unexpected moments in life, with simple words~
always. all ways. 
Be love. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

White space.

Snow drizzles sideways and white blankets cover every nook and cranny. Little flakes of white magic floating through the air as cancellations begin flooding in. The calendar bursts wide open as cheers echo and fist bumps celebrate- the gift of white space suddenly surrounds, "Tuesday, February 09, 2016."

On these days, the trickling speed of snow changes time and heart rates. Snow days offer a Sabbath; rest that feeds hunger pains and hope that fills emptiness- manna from Heaven.

As snow continues to fall, pieces of His peace cover over, soak in, and saturate with love.
There is no earning it, no deserving it, 
no cleaning up to warrant it- 
there is only accepting it.
It's what our soul needs more than anything else today~ and it sticks to the surface of every open space. 
And for that which isn't?- He waits patiently. 
Can you sit with that for a bit?

For the marriage holding by a fraying thread- 
He is your strength for the weaving.
For the heart aching from brokenness- 
He is your healing words of you are mine.
For the anxiety paralyzing every question- 
He is your answer moving forward.
For those desperate for something- 
He is your missing piece Peace for the emptiness.