Wednesday, September 16, 2009

May this moment never be forgotten.

Once upon a time there was this mother who had many children.

Specifically, her first born was what they now call a "tween"...somewhere between the ages of 10 and 12.

One day recently (ok... well today) that child, a son, was sick from school and though he was not feeling well... it seemed to be a great opportunity for a little one-on-one time. Somehow this mother felt that maybe it would be a good idea to "check in" with her have a revisit of the ole' sex talk. You know nothing major, just an opportunity to find out what all he may be hearing at school, what might need more discussions, maybe a little clarification on some wrong information...etc.

Actually, the older this mother gets (not that she IS old) the less comfortable she feels with calling this topic the "sex talk" and the more she considers calling it "God's plan for pro-creation"!! It's just hard for her to think of her child and sex together in the same conversation.

Anyways, as the story goes...this mother had recently heard some horrific statistics of the number of boys that are being exposed to pornography...and the age in which the average boy is exposed to pornography these days is like 10! Yikes!

So being the good mother that she desires to be...she felt it time to ask a few questions. Find out what he knows and possibly take this opportunity to express what the Lord intended for our lives concerning this subject of "pro-creation".

So there she was this day posing the question...
" Honey, do you know what pornography is?".
Very frankly and simply he says
"yes, I know what what it is".

The mother just about had a stroke! She could not believe that her son was so informed. Where on earth had he gotten exposed to this information? Maybe the statistics where right after all! And more disturbing, why hadn't he come to her over this? They previously had open discussions and this mother thought he most certainly would have wanted to asked her for clarification as he had done many times in the past.

The mother says,
"wow, ok, well what do you know about it?".
Her son calmly responds,
"well Mom, its a kind of science."

"Science?" she says.
"yes Mom, know like as in oceanography and astrology"

This mother was most definitely in need of new clothing!!

And unfortunately her son was now in need of an explanation of what was so funny!

By the time the true definition unfolded, this son's eyes were as big as softballs and he was extremely quiet! Actually, all he might have said was something along the lines of "wow, ya, that was nothing like what I was thinking"!!

After the laughing, crying, and discussions had all subsided...the son hugged his mom and said, "sometimes you crack me up Mom".

May this moment never be forgotten!!

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