Tuesday, June 22, 2010


For those of you who know me well, you understand what a day this was for me! Ramiro's kindergarten graduation!

It's hard to find words that fully explain how much I am head over heals in love with all my children. I love them all equally however each of them have a special significance that is different from the others.

Here and here are parts of Ramiro's story. It was rough from the get go...like almost from the moment of conception! But if there's any child who was determined at EVERYTHING, it was him. It pays to be a fighter, in this case!

All along there's been something in my head about Ramiro and Kindergarten...when he was 1 1/2 and things were not going well I got this idea in my head that Kindergarten was a huge benchmark for him/us. I stayed focused on that goal once I was told how far behind he was developmentally.

As I watched him graduate and hold his diploma, I felt incredibly thankful for the many wonderful doctors, therapists and teachers we've had these past several years! At this point, most people would have no idea what it's taken to get this far...Ramiro has no idea how blessed he really is! But I do!

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