Thursday, September 29, 2011



Parenting this crew is the most challenging assignment I’ve ever been given!

You see each face there? They couldn’t be more different from each other if I tried.

The age difference between Dakota and the others is significant and that makes for an interesting dynamic.

I have some here who are tough as nails and some who crumble more easily.

Some who WILL NOT break down, and some who I’m desperately trying to keep put together.

Some who are fairly mature for their age and some who enjoy acting 2 (notice no one here is 2!!).

Some who have enough confidence for all of us, others who needs much more.

Some who need a lot of snuggle time, one who has a strict “don’t touch me” policy.

One who thinks girls are hot, the others know nothing of that yet. thankyouJesus!

One who is extremely shy, some who need boundaries with strangers.

There is not a food group that all 4 like and therefore it’s a guarantee that at least someone will be disappointed come dinnertime.

And what’s reasonable for the one is inappropriate for the others.
It’s enough to keep my head spinning and in a constant state of confusion.


But when I look at these kids (and it’s a perfect depiction of some of the dynamics I’m referring to!! Kota and Ramiro have a very different idea of “real funny”), I see the sweet spirits and tender hearts that they each have. And at the end of the day, I just want to protect that!

My children, like so many others, have had to overcome some pretty big obstacles the past several years, and I know it’s taken its toll. They each feel the gapping hole in our family picture so differently, but nevertheless, deeply. However, I am so proud of them and honored to be chosen for this journey, even if I don’t know which end is up most days!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Morning Glory

The glory of the Lord
~His goodness~
is the "living water"
in the midst of the drought.

Oh let me meet Him at the well,
where the source of His goodness overflows-
it quenches every thirst...
and is new every morning!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

the same kind of different

Ramiro & Andre.

Their gene pool and freckles

may be identical....

but that's where their similarities end!

~God knew what He was doing!~


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A few of my favorite things- from Costco.

My uncle gave me his family card to Costco.

I really should give it back!

I can not get out of that store without some serious

damage to my bank account.

But let me show you what I've found there:

Dark Chocolate Acai berries.

I don't even know how you properly enunciate


with a thingy hanging from the "c".
But never mind HOW you say it....

the point is

one bite

and I was spiritually moved-

I rededicated my life right there in the parking lot of Costco!


Another favorite:

with this on top:

I could -and do- eat this for b'fast, lunch, and dinner.
(I know, I've been working on "balance" in my life
for the better part of 35 years,
its an uphill battle!)

But the best part of all of this- no one in my house likes
Acai berries, black beans, or chunks

Oh, and last but NOT least....
this last one can not be found at Costco,
but I'd eat her too if I could!!

*DISCLAIMER: None of these company's have paid me for this incredibly informative
and spectacular review-
but if they'd like to,
I'd be happy to send my account info!*

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why I can't eat on game day.

Just in case any of you thought I was over reacting....

Yes that one purple,

the one 2 feet shorter than the other kid....he's mine!

He just so happens to be playing defense at the moment,

he just so happens to be awesomesauce,

and he just so happens to be making an interception

while getting his

head ripped off!

Shouldn't there be a penalty for that?

Way to catch the ball baby when someone's got your head jerked around sideways!!

Are we all clear now why my stomach is in knots on game day??


PS-On a lighter note (or NOT, ha)

Maddie saw this picture and pointed out that pregnant people

should not be on the football field.

All I could say was "your right baby, they shouldn't!!"
