Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It is here…


It is here…where her sole frees her soul.

Where she ties together the desires of her heart; double knotting to be sure they won’t come undone.

Where each step takes her farther from where she’s been; closer to where she dreams of being.


It is here…where her story shares a message of imperfect progress.

Where she knows the ugly and the beautiful; the miles bring her to both, often in that order.

Where her journey gets a bit dirty; a risky transformation that works from the outside-in.


And yet it is here…where she sees one small footprint against the great big whole; and she worries, will it be enough?

Where a passion has found her and it won’t leave her alone; and she wonders, do I have what it takes?

Where she’s vowed to keep working it out; and so she prays, do not let this go from me, if it is from You!






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