Monday, December 3, 2012

Who rescued who?


This might be one of my most favorite pictures of Piper ever! I recognize that for most of you it’s simply a picture of a sweet dog and some crazy cute pink shoes. #whateverygirlneeds. But when I walked into the kitchen that day (a few weeks ago), exhausted from a really hard run, this moment was more than a sweet photo op. There was a precious story there begging to be told.

I had run a few miles already that week. As in 40. I was tired and my legs were d.o.n.e. However, I had planned an easy 6.2 mi run with Piper (her longest ever), knowing she needed the exercise in order to stay out of trouble on the home front. And though this particular route did include a really steep hill, I felt that if taken slowly, we would do fine. This is why I got her after all… a long term running partner.So I gathered our stuff, harnessed ourselves to each other and hit the roads.

As it turns out, my legs were more d.o.n.e. than I thought.

From the very first mile Piper kept turning around, giving me this funny look as if to say, What’s up chick?

But I think she knew. I wasn’t alright.

I wasn’t running at a speed she was familiar with, I kept pulling her back, and my gait was off. We’ve run enough miles together, her and I, that we know what to expect and when something feels different. That day felt different for sure.

As we approached the never ending hill that felt similar to this:


…I began to worry; I’m not gunna make it up today, my legs have nothing left.

As we started up Piper looked back one more time, pausing for just a second; I like to think she was checking in on me,

We cool back there Momma? 

Because I KNOW she understands me, I told her the deal, “Girl, I need your help. Come on Piper, GO!”

As she turned around, now with her head pointing straight into the hill and her back to me, something changed. Her legs engaged, her torso strengthened, and her head lowered slightly. I have never seen Piper run like she did that day. It was incredible how she used her body and sheer determination to pull me up that hill, and led me for the remaining 4 miles home!

~And you know…she never again looked back at me. She didn’t need to I guess, we were running as one body with 6 legs.~

But I could tell by the way she climbed up the back deck and staggered into the house, she was spent!

Did I push her too hard? Was that too much for her just yet?

I got her some water and snuggled her for a moment. Good girl Piper, thank you! She licked the side of my face like it was no big deal and slowly laid down on the wood floor next to her water bowl. I was worried.

I quickly got a shower and hurried back in to check on her; that’s when I found her snuggling with my running shoes.

~That day something changed between Piper and I.~

I believe this once homeless and abandoned dog realized for the first time that she was actually needed! And though it was a sacrifice; when you’ve been rescued, you will rescue.

~We give what we’ve been given.~

As I stood there looking at her sweet face all snuggled up between my shoes, barely able to stay awake for the picture, I felt sure she whispered~

“Rescued” feels good, doesn’t it??



*Piper did sleep for many hours that day and eventually was back to her normal self~ “Pipering” as my Dad calls it!!*

1 comment:

BamaGriz said...

Roll Tide Roll!