Sunday, January 6, 2013

One word for 2013.

I’m not sure what radio station it was or who was talking,

I can’t even tell you what day it was (details….);

but the concept was good and that part stuck with me.

Can you come up with one word that you would like to define your 2013 year?


I thought about it for awhile and struggled to find only one word.

I have personal goals, professional goals, parenting goals, running goals,

nutritional goals, laundry goals (yes you read that right!), etc.

Seriously, one word out of all that?


I began to look for a thread, something that was intertwining all areas of my life.

Many ideas came to mind but there was an issue with all of them;

I don’t know if I can always manufacture determination, focus, or driven.

And when it comes to the laundry situation, I just flat out wanna jump a cliff!


But eventually it came to me: Intentional

In every aspect of life I can choose to respond, to think it through, to make a good choice.

It requires living intentionally.


I can be intentional about my time management, my discipline strategy (or my need for one),

my miles/speed, and protein.

I can be intentional about sleep, the words that come out of my mouth (or shouldn’t),

and the scary situation in my laundry room.

Some days I may need to readjust the expectations, but that too can be an issue of living intentionally 

(because I stopped and realistically assessed the bigger picture!).


So there it is folks, my one word!

It gives me something to work towards and yet some flexibility

for this crazy schedule we keep around here.

Happy New Year, 2013…I think I’ll go ahead and give this concept a try…

For today when I pass by the laundry room, yes I’ll be intentional~

as I look the other way!



Intentional. I think this word is going to work just fine for me…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Intentional" -- Dr. Sowers would be so proud! If I had a nickel for every time he encouraged the Chorale Assistants to be "intentional", I would not have had to go to law school!