Monday, May 19, 2008

Let the fun begin!

Yes, I guess I've given in...become part of the fad and am doing "what everyone else is doing"!! I've contemplated and debated this idea...talked myself in and out of it everyday! However, I've now done it and here it is...simple as it is: its a blogspot!!

Not sure what this will become or how it all do you get music on this crazy thing?? Isn't there just a tab that says "music"?? Not that I can find. Anyways, I was thinking that this would be a fun way to journal my kids "funnies" and special moments in life that so easily get forgotten. I can print them off for my kids to read as they grow older. But it also gives a place where family and friends can see what's going on, watch as the children grow, offer advice, and above all...laugh together!! Well, maybe even, cry together! This journey is not easy...never was it promised to be! It is survivable...I think...but it will certainly stretch us and strengthen us! Hence the "I need thee" as my site address (is that what you call it? a site address?? I'll have to ask my 10 year old!! ha ha). The Lord is the only way I see to surviving this and keeping some level of sanity! I must seek His guidance daily and pray for His forgiveness and grace!! "My way" has always been the harder one, yet I have pushed to try it first. The Lords plans ironically seem to work out every time! I don't always understand His timing or His ways...but I've gotten too old and tired now to keep insisting that I might have a better suggestion!! I'll just go with His!!

I am also training for a marathon next February 2009!! I've run off and on since my college days. It was then that running became my hiding place! I had run some before college, but never did I NEED IT!! Living in a dorm with a bunch of girls was such an odd experience for me. I longed to get away from the gossip, loud music, bickering and silly "girlyness" that was flooding the halls! I wanted to run so I could hear nothing but my feet hitting the ground and my lungs working to keep up!! I discovered that this was when the Lord would speak to me most! He had my attention for a good 45 minutes!! I craved this time and experience with Him! I would run in the heat, torrential downpours, and even through snow storms; just to have this time to "shed some stress", work out an ending on a paper and more importantly, seek the presence of the Lord. However, on a college campus there are not many places to hide from the hustle and bustle of students...I therefore went to a cemetery next to the campus and though strange at first, I quickly found the perfect place for quiet runs!! I memorized every inch of that cemetery and can still see it in my mind today! I was completely free to laugh out loud, cry (sometimes sob), talk to myself, sing, etc. Well, actually, there were a few embarrassing moments when someone was there to visit a loved ones grave...and would happen upon one of my "less than finer moments"!! I'll write more later on my "college runs" in that cemetery and how important that place still is to me today!! Little did I know at the time...

For now, I must go... Andre's playing with ice...he keeps coming and giving me kisses so I can feel how cold his "yips" are!!


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