Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The arrow pointing "this way"

"Never quit something when things are tough. Wait until things are good and see if you feel the same way."

Great advice. I came across it in my Sunday School book (hum...there's some good stuff in here...maybe I should look at it once in awhile!). I thought it to be particularly helpful in this time of my life, when most things seem tough and frequently find myself thinking "it shouldn't have to be this hard"!!

Interesting that the lesson then goes on to talk about trusting God in all things. The writer states that he has found that "sometimes it's easier to trust Jesus for the abstract than it is for the practical. Sometimes we will trust God for Heaven but we cannot trust Him with our finances". We find it easier to trust Him with the forgiveness of our sins... and yet struggle to trust Him with our daily decisions! Things that maybe just seem too small for God. With all the things going on in this world...big things like war, crime, abuse, etc...could He really have time for something like "how do I handle this conflict"?? This is where trust comes in. The writer states this: "True guidance does not become real until trust becomes real". I must trust even when I can't see. This is truly the heart of trusting.

As I thought about this yesterday my own life...this is what I thought: Trust is easy when we can see...when the road is straight, the arrows pointing "this way" are all perfectly marked and the finish is clearly labeled with a bright yellow tape across the road! It couldn't get any clearer...but is that really the reality of all things in life? Not mine. Not all roads are clearly marked, if marked at all... and I'm beginning to realize God wants it that way! How shallow my faith would be if all turns were clearly marked for me to then just follow.

As of lately, it appears that God has gone and quietly turned the arrows pointing "this way" on my road. Not to be sneaky or to make my life hard... but to provide opportunities for growth! My parents would call this "tough love". When the arrow is turned, I have no choice but to seek His will and then to trust that His plan will be right! I know this to be absolutely true...and therefore I am thankful that He loves me enough to do so!

As I have just read over this, ready to click "publish post" very important thought has occurred to me... He turned the arrow on my road in its correct, intended position...UP!

I don't know about you... but that is a beautiful image for me. A single road ahead...and at every turn the signs point "up"! But only to serve as a reminder for us. For God wants to be in every moment of life...not just in the times of a direction change! God is good!

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