Sunday, October 12, 2008

Andre is 4!!

My "prince charming" is now 4!! I do not know where the time has gone... but Andre is thrilled and is very excited about birthday cake! So 4 years ago today... it was a day that ran very smoothly...considering the past few attempts (Baby Jaydan and Ramiro) at successful pregnancies and deliveries...this one was perfect. I was induced because my physician was not interested in taking any chances that we could be delivering in the car (hence Ramiro's grand entrance) induced I was...and a few hours later, Andre was born!! Dan was thrilled to finally have child that had any resemblance to his Puerto Rican side of the family. Andre was dark...granted he is much lighter now...but he was hairy, dark skinned and full of eye brows!! A Latino had come!! And the "lover" was here!! I will never forget the first night after he was born...he had been crying and we (Andre and I) were both really tired from a hard days work (birthing). I wrapped him tightly with his blanket, snuggled up with him in the hospital bed and he was out like a light! He made some sweet baby noises here and there, but he slept soundly...almost all night!!

It was a wonderful memory and I can still remember being in that bed with him, all snuggled up, just mesmerized by the color of his hair, his skin and how fat he was!

I had previously had very skinny, scrawny was yummy to have some chunk and cheeks!! Andre has always been the "lover"!! From those early days, even til now...he loves to snuggle and cuddle!! One of the things I love about Andre is his complementary spirit! The child knows how to lift your spirits! Every Sunday and many other days that I might actually get dressed and put makeup on...Andre is always there telling me how nice I look, how pretty my dress is, and that my hair looks "very good"!! Funny enough, since Madelyn was born...he has started doing the same thing to her!! I'm not sure how he has known that this is very important to us girls...but that's why I call him my "prince charming"... the "lover"! He's got flattery down pat!! Many of Andre's early days are only remembered by pictures I have. I honestly can't remember much of that time...lost to exhaustion and struggling with 2 babies only 13 months apart!! One was nursing, the other on a bottle. One who couldn't move, one who never stopped. I do remember one day...wasn't one of my most favorite days however, but I was nursing Andre. Trying to relax to nurse him was a challenge with Ramiro all over the place. I had just gotten settled nursing Andre and had realized that Ramiro had gotten the front door unlocked, opened and was charging across the lawn toward the street!! Ugh...I was not in a position to be running into the road after a loose I threw a blanket over me and ran like crazy (Andre still nursing). Ramiro decided to fall out in the driveway...meaning he was going to need more attention that what one hand can offer! Poor Andre...all he was wanting was to EAT for heavens sake!! Those were some crazy days! Thank goodness Brody (our 100 lb. Weimaraner) was such a good babysitter!! He kept watch...protecting him from his next biggest brother!! And Dakota...he was a great BIG, BIG brother! You could see him at times get overwhelmed with trying to keep everyone following the the first born is inherently known for!! But, he was a wonderful help!!

As if things weren't crazy enough, I had just became a Director with Mary Kay! It was a tremendous amount of work and I'm not sure how I managed it all with such little babies! But we did!!

God had a plan though...and I'm extremely thankful for his blessing in Andre!! Andre was a total surprise (Ramiro was 3 months old when I got pregnant...who plans that??) but I'm blessed beyond belief!

Andre was a wonderful breath of fresh air...he was calm, easy going and just happy to "be"!!

He wasn't overly demanding...actually I felt bad many of times b/c I felt that he should be more needy!!

He was late to talk...Ramiro talked for him. Late to walk...Ramiro did everything for him. Didn't have much of an opinion...Ramiro decided for him!! Get the picture??
Yes, Ramiro was a BIG help...sorta!!

I laugh at this picture of Andre's first birthday...with the chocolate is funny how different these two boys are!! Actually, I should say...thank goodness they are soooo different!!
Andre is always telling us that he loves us when we leave the house, the first to greet us when we come home. Full of kisses and love.

I must say though...there is a tough little boy in there too!! I have been amazed at the punches he throws at his brothers...Andre is no push over!! Sometimes we have some trouble with the intensity in which these 3 boys can fight and punch each other!! I carry a helmet for a reason...I'm afraid of getting hurt while trying to jump in a break up the "wrestling" they call it!!

Well, Andre...Happy 4th Birthday!! I love you more than I can find words for...I'm thankful and blessed that you are my little boy!! I can't wait to see what God will be doing with your sweet spirit, your endless amounts of love, your ability to vocalize praise and affection to others, and your heart that recognizes the importance of "I love you"!!

"...He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it..."!!

Phil. 1:6
I love you...forever and ever!!

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