Sunday, November 16, 2008

The not so 17 miles

17 miles.
That was the goal. The plan.
I had my backpack all packed...2 containers filled with fluid, skittles, gummy bears, nuts, 2 granola bars, powerbar, B12 Hot Shot pill, trail mix, my favorite Burts Bee chapstick (never leave home without it), and last but not least, a tub of Vaseline (I'll explain later, but think "wet skin rubbing for 3 hours"). Oh yes, cell phone, ipod and pepper spray too! Not that I would have been able to get to the pepper spray before being someone's lunch...but you know, just in case!

I had eaten 2 hours earlier, while it was raining outside. Drank fluids, taken my enzymes like a good girl and a shot of coffee.

The first 9 miles were great. Zero pain. Plenty of energy. Good company (thanks Cathy for the 3 miles of distraction)! And was making good time.

It was short lived.

Mile 10...exhaustion hit.
It was HOT and muggy outside, I felt my skin burning and I was out of fluids. I was out on the part of the trail that has zero entertainment (except for a few heart attacks from snakes). No shade either. Just me, the heat, my pack of food that wasn't setting well on my stomach and no water! I had another 7 miles to go. So, I began to walk more. Trying to conserve myself. I had hardly eaten my stomach wasn't happy over the trail mix and almonds that I had eaten early in the run, and I was starting to get goose bumps. I knew this was dehydration.

I was flat out of energy...although not in any pain what so ever (one small miracle)...just absolutely too hot and much too exhausted.

I had taken my B12 pill, it was starting to kick in around mile 13...I was able to run some more and I got to some shady parts of the trail. I called home just before mile 16..."meet me at the street-ice water-lots of it-3 minutes". Dakota was out there with 2 huge containers of ice water and a cute smile!! Oh it was the best water I've ever had. I had decided to walk the last 2 miles (miles 16 and 17)...but only made it through the first. I had to get home. My head felt odd (at least more so than usual, hee hee) and I was beginning to feel unsure of my legs...never a comforting sign.

I made it in the door, in the shower and to the couch. My stomach by this point was NOT OK and I was needing sleep. I rested for awhile, got something on my stomach and began recovering slowly.

By the evening, I felt much better and was trying to make sense of what happened. I think it was a combination of a few things. Since I am still of "child bearing years" (catch my drift?), haven't slept well lately, and wasn't prepared for the sun/heat...I think it was just a tall order for the day.

And note to self, next almonds!!

So, 16 miles it was. 3 hours and 15 minutes.
I was disappointed at first.
Today however, I feel great.
Hardly sore, knees feel fine and I know that in 3 weeks...I'll be better prepared for the next "tall" order.... 20 miles!

Wish me luck...

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