Friday, May 20, 2011

Andre Daniel

Andre Daniel,

I remember the moment I found out about you.

The moment exactly when I saw 2 lines, not one.

(I'll explain that all to you at another time, it's sorta complicated!)
I was in complete shock.
You see, Ramiro was just 3 1/2 months old,
and life was fairly unpredictable at that time.

I feared for you.
We had already lost Baby Jaydan, almost lost Ramiro
and now I was on this journey again.

A few months later, I began to have deja vu all over.
I will not forget the look on the dr's face,
he had been through our last 2 pregnancy's with us-
and I knew this face.
I had seen it twice before.
Your ultrasound showed a cyst on your brain,
and though there was a chance it could heal on its own
there was also indications that this could be the beginning of
something much worse.

Thankfully kiddo, it healed and all was fine!
Matter of fact, all was perfect! Praise God!!

When you took your first breath and they handed you to me
it was one of the most precious moments in my life.
You were crying and whimpering
and with one sound of my voice,
you instantly began to settle and calm down.
You have been my only child that relaxed like that
to the sound of my voice, or the beating of my heart.

That first night with you was unbelievable!
You were, and continue to be, the snuggliest
child there ever was!

I have never met a kid that has the compassion and tenderness
towards other people like you do!
You are so young, yet so aware of how other people are feeling.
Baby, that is a gift-
don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise!

I see something in you that amazes me, and its your selflessness!
You are a lover, a giver, a nurturer, and protector!
You are going to be a great man, father and husband one day!
And oddly enough, in those first days with you-
I knew there was something incredibly precious about this
man child I had been given!

I love you, prince charming,
more than anyone else on this planet ever will!
I am proud of you
and incredibly blessed to call YOU my son!!

Happy Kindergarten Graduation!!
But I have one question:
how did you get so stinkin' handsome?

1 comment:

Silly*Jilly said...

That is so precious Jill! I cant believe how he has grown. You are right though. He is very in tune to other peoples feelings. I notice that too, even when he was much smaller. It truly is a gift. :)