Sunday, June 29, 2008

the skate park experience

On a lighter note today...I just had to add some cute pictures of my favorite 10 year old...Dakota! He's into skateboarding these days (I see more ER visits in our future) and so the other day we went to a skate park.

For the first time, he was able to see what skating on a half pike was like. And I'd like to report... we "both" survived! He discovered that it was much harder than it appears on tv...and I realized why I was the only mother there!! WARNING:This isn't a relaxing experience! I held my breath so much that I ended up with hick ups. But I was thankful to be there to witness his "first" skate park experience!

I'm discovering more everyday that boys are just very different than girls. In my family, there was only my sister and I. Furniture was never thought of as a playground. Whoopi cushions were not considered great family entertainment. And the thought that my sister would maybe punch me in the head as she walked by (just because it was funny, of course) did not enter my mind!! Well the skate park was another example...there was never a moment of fear...he was going to conquer this thing, and do so right from the get go!!

When Dakota and I walked up to the half pike...I was amazed at how high off the ground it was. It never entered occurred to him. Dakota was quickly ready, with all his gear on, and within minutes was climbing the stairs to the top.

"Oh dear Dakota, are you sure you want to START there?? What about trying to just get used to the bottom first...this will be faster than your used to going, the surface is different."
He assured me he was fine!
"ok...please be careful honey!" (thinking I should have pulled his helmet strap a little tighter!)
**holding my breath**
He decided to go for it (after a few minutes of deep concentration) and unfortunately it didn't turn out as he would have liked. It was the first of many falls that day (many, many falls) but he did get the hang of it...eventually able to keep steady on the basic things like...well...staying up on the skate board while moving. You got to start somewhere!

Aside from some bruises and sore legs/hips...he had a great time and wants to go back again!! With some experience under his belt now, he thinks he will be better prepared for the top of the pike!! I might just send his father with him next time!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The story

The time has come...the moment is here. For 11 years I have played this day out in my head, over and over again. I have prepared in every way I know how and as I put my head on my pillow last night, I thought I was ready. And then there's today...the emotions are fresh even on this very morning and the guilt that I thought I had worked through is showing its ugly face now. Why is my faith crumbling?

Last night I underlined these verses:

Proverbs 16:3-4 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed. The Lord works out everything for his own ends--"

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

I have seen myself on this stage, I knew I would come here to share my story. The lights are dimming and though the audience small, they are ready and waiting. As I walk out, the spot light uncomfortably hot on my face, I feel the emotions calm and the words come forth with ease. I begin to share a story that parallels that of the see, everyone thought the cross was the end...He's been crucified and is dead. The sadness, dispare, darkness... hope was gone. It appeared that there was no room for celebration. And as always true, God had a different plan! He turned that cross of sin and dispare into the light of the world. It was then that we were given hope...when the darkness became light and all was forgiven.

I have a "cross" in my life...a story how God changed my darkness into light!! A wonderful light! A perfect light! I am humbled and thankful to be chosen! I will share some of it today.

As I look out from the stage, into the audience, I've noticed someone in the back who'd been "standing" from the moment I stepped foot into the know who it is! He's my Lord, I knew He would be there, I knew He would be "on His feet"... He had a personal invitation from me! And as I say my last few words, giving thanks for what I've been given in this life (in spite of myself)...that man... yes, Jesus...He begins to raise His scarred hands and clap! All else was silent! It was clear, this was not because of me, it was nothing I said that deserved His praise...the praise was being given for what God has done in my life! He was praising His Father! This is His story! It deserves all the praise. May I not forget that. So I too, will praise my Heavenly Father today!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

For now...

I haven't posted in a few days...things have been such that I haven't been able to put words to thoughts. Emotions that are unable to really be explained here, details of my life that are awkward. Given that...there are some things that I know to be true as my heart feels uncomfortable again, fear is finding its way over me and I struggle to sort out how "life" really works.

For now, I can only deal with today and the "right now"! Matthew 6:34 says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." I find this easier said than done...but I'm working on it today!

For now, I know God is working and my faith is being tested. James 1:2 says "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Pure joy?? I'm working on that one today too!

For now, I know that God will provide rest. Rest is not optional for me. I'm no longer 20 longer able to keep afloat on exhaustion. Matthew 11:28..."Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". Weary?...check. Burdened?...check.

For now, as a dear family friend (from my wonderful home state of Alabama) reminded me today...our children are Gods before they are ours!! Yes, I need to remember that He loves my children more than I ever could (hard to wrap my mind around that thought...)!

For now, I will pray continually...1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." There's that word! Also, for those of you who might see me somewhere this week...if I seem a little "checked out"...I'm praying continually!!

And finally, for now...I am choosing to believe that Jesus is "standing" (not sitting) at the right hand of God...this week...for me! Watching with great intensity, working out every detail! I'm sure your thinking....what is she talking about and where is she going with this??

In Mark 16:19...Mark says that Jesus was taken up into heaven and SAT at the right hand of God. This is what I had always remembered and had this picture in my head of Jesus literally sitting next to His Father! Then in Sunday School the other week, our teacher read the verse from Acts 7:55-56...this is where Stephen is being stoned to death for his belief in Jesus Christ...the Bible says that Stephen looked up into heaven and saw Jesus STANDING at the right hand of God. The point of the lesson was Stephen...not whether Jesus was sitting or standing...but I was stopped there and have thought much about the differences! Have you ever been to a football game and someone is suddenly seriously injured...what happens? Everyone who was not already standing quickly jumps to their feet. Or how about the last second in a basketball game?? The player of the team who is 3 points behind chunks the ball into the air (as a last and final effort) and it is heading straight towards the jump to your feet! These are moments when everything changes...moments we just can't sit back and observe from our chairs! In that moment in Sunday School, I thought a new thought. I saw a picture I had never seen before! I'm sure Stephen felt a great sense of assurance that in that moment of great was of utmost importance to his Heavenly Father! Right now, I need to know that Jesus is doing the same for me! He's on His feet!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Nest

Isn't this cool?? Doesn't it just make you go...ahhh!??

You can't help but to smile!! I love this picture so much, I might get it made bigger and put it up in my house!! My very talented Aunt Sali took this picture the other day from just outside her front door! She was watering some plants and noticed that a bird had apparently been very busy here in her nest! So she grabbed her very cool camera and took this precious picture! (Thanks Sali for letting me use it!!)

When she sent it to me, I immediately thought of the song from our younger years "He's got the whole world in His hands" know which one I'm talking about?? It just looked like a pair of hands holding these cute little eggs! The other thing that I think is cool is how different the eggs all are...I couldn't believe how speckled the one was...its just neat!! I am a little concerned birds usually lay 5 eggs?? Seems like a lot for such little things as they are...some of those eggs there are big!! Whew...some bird she is!! My aunt is keeping watch over them...maybe she'll be able to get a shot of the amazing mother who laid these eggs...but for now she is camera shy!

I keep coming back to this picture too for another reminds me of my sweet little babies...all 5 of them!! Yes, I know...I only have 4 children here...but as some of you may know, we had a baby go to be with the Lord (in 2002) in my second trimester, before getting pregnant with Ramiro (#2 boy) . We have pictures of ultrasounds and my belly...we had a room almost ready and a name picked out (not my husbands favorite however)...but that's pretty much it. There are plenty of memories there too...some very sad but some good as well! It was a very awkward time in our life...but I'm thankful for beautiful pictures like this one, that remind me so perfectly of the 5 babies that I love: Dakota, Jaydan, Ramiro, Andre and Madelyn! Each one has a special place in my heart and in my life even though their lives have not all looked the same!

I can't help but to see this picture then too and know...
He's got "my 5 babies" in His hands!!

Here's the picture in color too...I'll keep you posted...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day...updated!!

"My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, 'You're tearing up the grass'...'we're not raising grass' Dad would reply, 'we're raising boys' "-Harmon Killebrew

What an important thing to keep in mind...keeping things in perspective is important!

Well, this is a picture of my father (on the left) and my husband (on the right)! This picture was from a few years ago and besides the kids...the (big) boys still look pretty much the same!! Good genes!! I want to say to them both...HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! I didn't truly understand the significance that men play in the role of raising children until I had my own are very important to boys and girls...but our pastor this morning reminded us that (most of the time) boys will become what their fathers were/are! Thank you Dad for being such a wonderful man in my've paved the way for me to understand and embrace my "Heavenly Father"! Thank you!!

...on a lighter note (while I look for a tissue...) Dakota is driving something in my yard...oh dear...I think he might need a license for this...or maybe a mothers gentle reminding of the dangers of the....oh...gotta go! back later.....with pictures of course!!
Dakota has "wheels"!! This might need considering for the next "Pimp My Ride"...Ha Ha!! (Never mind the seat that has stuffing coming out!!) Hey it works...and that is something to cheer about over here!! We have 2 1/2 acres...there's a lot of work ahead for this 10 year old. This was Dakota's first time on the lawn mower and what a cool thing he thought this was!!
Another thing I wanted to say about my father...but failed to yesterday (now writing this on Monday as part of the Fathers Day post)...and this is did I forget it??
I have been asked many times how I got started running...well the truth was Dad! My father has been a runner most of his life (atleast that I have been around for) and I have many childhood memories of my father running in races, going out for runs coming home drenched with sweat, and eating pasta to boost carbs (on Wednesdays only of course)! Matter of fact, I still think Wednesday's should be spaghetti night...only b/c this was a routine at my house growing up! Funny how things stick...even if I didn't run...I can't imagine why you would eat spaghetti on just doesn't seem right. Spaghetti is only for Wednesday's. Didn't every one else do it that way?? :)
I have a picture (maybe I could find it one day and scan it in here... don't look for it anytime soon however!) of myself running in a Thanksgiving Day run called the "Turkey Trot"!! Seems like Dad ran it every year! Apparently, I ran the 1 mile run one year also! Unfortunately, running never really became a big part of my life until college...but I remember Dad talking about how running would really help when he was under a lot of stress...I tried it and it changed my life! I've had to lay off the running here and there... (I tried to run while pregnant...not so much fun to stop every 5 minutes for a quick squat in the bushes, I like my toilet paper too!)...but as soon as those babies were out...I'd be planning when I would be able to run again!
My father has come with me to races (definitely more for my benefit than his), but never seemed to "need" the race for motivation! I, on the other hand...need the race! Not so for my Dad...he is the most self motivated/disciplined person you'd ever meet. But he ran enough races that he was able to teach me the things I needed to know!
So Dad...again...thanks for all you have taught me and modeled so perfectly!! Running is just one of many, many things that I get to thank you for!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh dear...the boys (and my sprucing)!!

Why isn't anyone (under the age of 10) listening to me this week!?? Why must I holler to be heard?? Since when does my job description include needing a whistle and a helmet to break up these fights?? Ugh...please don't report me here, I do love my children, but because of my current mental status, I have kicked them out today!! Yes, I did, all of them! "If you are a boy and I gave birth to you...your kicked out" were my exact words this morning!! So, they are out and I am out nicely!! :) Doors are locked (my windows are all open so I can see them playing and my 100 lb Weimeraner/body guard is keeping watch too) and they must find something to do outdoors today!! Hate it for them!!

Madelyn is in bed, therefore...peace and quite! Hallelujah!!

The deal is...I'm tired, fed up with the fighting and bickering, and just want it quiet!! I feel worn out and blah! Maybe I need more iron, maybe more sleep, maybe I'm running too fast (surely that's not it...), well maybe I just need a hair cut and some sprucing up...yah that's it!! And so it will be...2:00 today...I will be childless and chopping my hair off!!

(I'm praying my children don't recognize me when I come back...they might continue where they left off...something along the lines of "we're not fighting, mom...we're just playing fighting"...oh ok boys...that makes it all better then, please continue on!! *rolling my eyes* That would be out of Ramiro's mouth!!)

I hope its the right "doo" for me...or is it "do", or "due"?? Who knows...but it looked good on a girl I saw at a concert last Friday night (yes, we did ask her to pose for some pictures of her hair...she was flattered, I think)...and so we will see...will it be me?? Pictures to follow later today...well maybe, only if I decide its "me"!!

Geese, I'm it 8pm yet?

Ok, so it has been done...the hair is gone!!
Here's the before:

And here are "many" afters:

It's short, but will be nice to not have to "do" much to the "doo" know what I mean?? I'm feeling like a soft drink commercial here...

And it will be better for surviving in all this HEAT!!

BTW: I do feel better now sorta, I think its PMS time too (sorry if that was TMI)...and my hair will feel more like me when I can do it myself (what's up with hair dressers and that hair spray bottle??). I might just go for a run tonight too...6 glorious I come!!

oh...and the kids...well that's a story for another day... but they were eventually let back in! Hee Hee!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


No it's not what you think! I know it sounds like something my boys would do and then laugh hysterically over (and btw...why do they do that...what's so funny about that anyways??). It's not. And you won't need to give them that evil eye either! Here's the definition:

Fartlek: (sweedish) "speed play"; fart "speed"-lek "play"

So there you have it...its a running term. Did you really think I would be talking about "fluffing"?? Hee Hee!! Open a running book, training program, magazine for will find it there!! Fartlek. The training method that involves bursts of running that would resemble sprinting. Followed then by your normal pace set for that training run. A more disciplined form of Fartlek would be called "interval training"...this would most likely be done on a track and involve split times and a stop watch, yuck! Fartlek training can be much more relaxed and certainly wouldn't call for a stop watch...but the results are remarkable!!

Fartlek training can be fun and add some spice to things! You can sprint to the next telephone pole...or to the green mail the cute house around the corner...maybe to the cute guy around the corner!! :) However you do it is fine...humm..but the boy around the corner might provide the best immediate gratification!! Anyways...back to my point here...The goal is to run hard/fast enough to throw your body off a little. To force your muscles and lungs into overdrive. Start shorter and then work up to a longer stretch...the results are worth the hard work. You will feel muscles work you never knew you had. And you will eventually see those muscles you never knew you had! Your legs will change shape, your lungs will be stronger and you will increase your speed by strengthening your legs in this way. In case you were wondering about the kinesiology of this...and since I'm sure you it is! It's a little complicated and involves understanding fast vs. slow twitching muscle fibers, but the simple answer is that the muscle fibers tear deeper and more aggressively from sprinting and therefore rebuilding stronger!! I promise it works!

I personally love to do this b/c it helps you at the end of races. There's something funny that happens mentally when you "finish strong"...not fast, not looking pretty, but strong! It won't matter how well you ran most of the race, if you finish like you have just taken your last step here on earth and look like your prepared to meet your will feel badly about your entire experience!! But if you finish strong...head up, legs under control and body in good will feel the wonderful sense of accomplishment that follows a race! Truly this is the case for every run that you do...even if it's just around the neighborhood.

By using Fartlek training and building these sprinting muscles...they will enable you to finish strong even when you are exhausted otherwise! They will be there when you desperately need them...when all else has failed you, when your body has packed up and left you many miles can count on these sprinting muscles (if you've used them enough in training) to rise up and pull you through to the finish!!

So, are you wondering why I decided to blog about this?? Well truthfully, I am too!! But, as I was running the other day...doing Fartleks (you have to admit...the word is fun to say too), I thought about how important it was to invest now for the later! It reminded me of memorizing Bible verses as a kid in private school...I didn't know it then...but I was investing for the later! I was building up knowledge that I would need in the future...for when the going gets tough and I still need to press on. When I'm worn out and desperate for the finish line...It's the training that will make all the difference! Fartlek!

DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE "CHICKS IN KICKS"!! Scroll down to the post with that name and see what's going could practice some....FARTLEKS!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Troubles with Girly Hair after 3 boys (and they were all bald until 2 and 3 yrs old), I might need a little help with "HAIR"!! I trimmed Maddie's bangs a little today (how do you tell what is "bangs" and what isn't!!??) and tried to put her hair up in some sort of no slip rubber band thing-a-ma-bob! Whatever. Her hair is terribly straight in the front, so pulling it back was not going well! Of course, she wasn't fond of this adventure either...and I have never really had to do hair on a real live wiggly baby before! Those baby dolls were really miss leading!! Anyways, I then decided to put a ribbon in it, since I have no hair bows at this house yet! She looked totally silly, but I had to get a picture of it anyhow!! Don't laugh my dear friends with girls, I might be knocking on your door come Sunday morning for some help!! Hee Hee!!

(btw...I am making progress, I no longer put tights over bloomers!!)

Monday, June 9, 2008

It's God!!

I'm beginning to find some humor in how the Lord works. How he specifically works in my life. I haven't always been aware of this...maybe it has always been the case, I just haven't "tuned in" correctly. Never-the-less, He is redirecting my actions, putting me in places and in moments when He can talk to me and give me what is needed to strengthen my faith! I'm thankful for these provides assurance that the Lord is undeniably active in our lives if we invite Him to be. We must also start opening our eyes to little things that He just might be using to teach us His ways! I know this post is a little long...hang in there with me on this...It might be worth it.

On Friday night I attended a concert with some ladies from my church...didn't get home until 12:30 midnight!! Ugh...for those of you who know me...this would be WAY past my bedtime!! I had planned on running Friday night, had to post pone that for this concert (small sacrifice, I know)...I was also then too tired to run Saturday I had kinda planned to see how I felt Saturday night and would maybe try to sneak in a short run! Around 6:30 pm, we started grilling corn and hot dogs...I started eating...which usually means that running could be questionable!! I don't run well if I have eaten! My neighbors came over and we just sat around talking...taking it easy! I was getting tired and was now full and very comfortable in my lawn chair! No chance of running at this point! I decided that I would just run on Sunday...not going to sweat the lower miles for this week...after all, I'm not really locked into a training schedule until August! At 7:45pm, I had put the baby in her bed and was on my way back outside to continue my vegetative state in the lawn chair. I don't really remember what happened in the next minute, but suddenly I looked down and realized that I had put on my running clothes (shoes and all)...apparently I was going running! Dan looked at me funny when I walked out of the house fully dressed..."I thought you weren't running today"..."ya me neither"...he gave me this "boy things change with the wind around here" kinda look and told me to have fun!

I had my ipod with me...pushed play, started running and began to feel frustrated! You know that feeling of trying to talk on the phone, your other phone is ringing, all your kids are talking at once and you just hear nothing but a bunch of noise? That's what I was hearing...but all that was playing was some praise songs from my ipod. I hit pause and quickly realized that I had the words to a song I sang many years ago running through my head. My ipod was creating too much noise for me to "hear my own head".

I started to choke as I realized that the Lord needed to talk to me. I needed to listen. "I'll give you peace when the wind starts blowing...Peace, whenever you call me I'll give you peace, when the storms blow on....". 3 miles later, I was fully at peace, drenched in sweat and home again! My heart was satisfied, my fears relieved and Satan was gone! Many things happened on that run, but the long and short of it was this: Satan was using my yearning for "rich soil" and playing mind games with it! (See "rain and rich soil" post a week or so ago if your lost) I saw it so clearly and knew that peace was mine for the taking...and I took it! I went to bed later that night and slept better than I had in days!

The other thing here is this...I know that the Lord distracted me from my plans and redirected my actions for HIS plans! He took me on that run...He had something to say...and I needed to hear it... without my ipod!!

How can my praise music be so uplifting one day...and just noise the next??
It's God.
How can I suddenly be dressed to run when I planned to go back outside and visit with friends??
It's God.
How can 30 simple minutes provide enough peace over a struggle that has burdened my heart for days/weeks??
It's God.
How can every word from a song that I haven't sang or even thought about in more than 6-7 years suddenly be so loud in my head??
It's God.

What I know for sure is this...Satan is alive...he's here to destroy us...he is the one who causes the rain. The storms that I've been afraid of but felt I needed to welcome...they only come from Satan! God is not the giver of pain or evil. I now know that God brought me to pray for rich soil, not because He was going to bring rain in my life. But because He knows that Satan will and God wants me to learn to lean on Him. ONLY GOD has the power to take those very storms and use to grow us up! ONLY GOD has the power to change the storm and make rainbows of miracles!! On Saturday night, I became aware that Satan is the one who killed Jesus, not God...yes, God allowed it to happen...but only because He had a greater plan in raise HIM from the dead and bring Jesus into Heaven!! The very act needed so that we might have forgiveness and live in eternity with our Lord!
The cross was about turning "rain into rich soil"!!
Now how cool is that??
It's God!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fun Pictures

A friend of my sisters has been sending all of her little girls outgrown clothes to Madelyn!! How sweet! Its like Christmas in June!! And the wouldn't believe the number of shoes Madelyn now has!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Sylva and Carrie!!

As if the hand-me-downs weren't enough...then Sylva went and bought this adorable outfit for Madelyn!! Isn't she just too cute!!?? The colors are certainly "her colors"! Just wait till I post the pics of her MANY bikini's!! Oh dear, too funny for a chunky monkey like Madelyn! All the more adorable!!

(skip a few days now...I started this post last Thursday...just now getting back to it!!)

Here she is, 10 months old and already showin' of her 2 piece!!

We also had a great day playing on the lake!! It's awesome to just walk out your back yard and jump into the lake!
I'm a little paranoid over the "what just moved around my leg"...oh...silly me...(this time) it was just one of my kids! But I panic every time something touches me! Its spring fed so your feet get a little cold eventually, but the top is wonderful and is certainly fun for the kids!!

The boys did canon balls, flips, dives and everything else that would make a big splash!! I cracked up over their if they were going to be able to see anything in the lake anyways! But I couldn't resist the opportunity for a snapshot that might really bring about some laughs when they are 16!!
In the next day or so, I will be posting some other things that have been going on recently...tonight I'll just say that the Lord has brought me peace from my recent struggle (read past post "Rain and rich soil" if your scratching your head)! He did so in such a cool way, a way that I feel reassured and reminded that the Lord knows me completely! He absolutely understands me...what I I need it...and when to give it! How cool is that?

Friday, June 6, 2008

And so the fun begins...

TGIF...we are exhausted and worn out from the events of this week!! The last days of school, graduation (of pre-k), end of the year banquets, parties, making (and monogramming) teacher gifts, last hugs and kisses for the summer from every teacher, etc. Whew!! Enough to do us all in!! Right now Ramiro and Andre have just passed out, thank you Lord, and I went in to check on them and found Ramiro like this:

On Tuesday, he was very disappointed that many of his friends got Congratulations balloons at Graduation...and of course he didn't! I failed again! Oh well, I promised that on the last day of school (Wednesday) that I would get balloons for all of them and we would celebrate his GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT of another year of Pre-K! And believe you me...some days it is a huge accomplishment!

Well, this morning I had planned with a local farmer to take my kids there on a "field trip" to see how things grew! My children are just figuring out that corn comes from the dirt!! Sheltered, I know! It was a hot and crazy ordeal! Thankfully, the farmers wife (Ms. Smith) is a retired teacher and was very good with my kids! I had given them the run down of expectations all the way know "please, thank you, yes ma'am,etc."...oh and "act appropriate, don't run around like a bunch of crazy animals, be respectful of her things" get the point!! Huh...forget that noise...Ramiro got out of the car and off he was. She took us to the corn field, the watermelon patch, squash, tomatoes, etc. It was amazing...we ate corn straight off the was awesome!! Ramiro of course took his and threw it on the ground...he doesn't like the feel of the silk apparently!! Ugh!! Sorry ma'am, he just doesn't understand how to deal with things he doesn't like the feel of. I'm embarrassed!! Oh well...but all and was a success! Ms. Smith was patient and understanding of my trouble "herding" Ramiro from thing to thing...she gave Dakota and Andre lots of attention and answered all their questions about how things grew!! I wanted to get some pictures...but I was trying to keep Ramiro out of the bee colony they had there for making honey!! That would have made a fun start to the summer don't you think??

Once we got home, all Ramiro wanted was his "congrats" balloon and his bed!! He was tired, full of tears, and clearly done with our field trip for the day!! And so was I!!

Congratulations Dakota and Ramiro...another year was a success!! Your mother is very proud of both your accomplishments! You guys are wonderful boys!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Lords blessings!

Ramiro and his teacher!

Yesterday Ramiro had his graduation ceremony for his pre-k class! I didn't realize until the last minute that Ramiro was to be a part of this being that he will be in the same class again next year! He will have one more year until he is able to be in Kindergarten...I'm actually relieved! He is in a special class for children who have some sort of disability that would require additional help before they would be ready to attend kindergarten, the goal is to mainstream them into a regular class. Ramiro has been in this class since he turned 3 and it has made a huge difference for him! I used to take him to school everyday kicking, screaming and in a full all out "melt down"! It took almost the full year to get him through the transition of leaving home to being at school! He was exposed to things that made him upset (cotton balls, finger paint, bathroom exhaust fans, other children touching him, floor mats that he was to sit on, etc). For the most part now, if you didn't know his background, you would never know he has the SI dysfunction. He still doesn't care much for some foods and textures of things...but he doesn't go into shut down mode like before! I will write more about Ramiro later, how he came into this world and the struggles he faced from day one of his life! He's truly a blessing! He's determined beyond belief and funny as all get out! He sees to it that he's never last and that he experiences everything that life has to offer (good and bad)! Ramiro has had many therapists over the years (OT, speech, PT, cognitive dev., etc) that have all made such a huge difference in his life!! I'm thankful for everyone of them! There were days that I wasn't sure what Ramiro was going to be like at 4...what his diagnosis would change for him...but the Lord has a plan for this child...and I'm constantly reminded what a great work HE is doing in my child! I'm thankful beyond words!! the following post about the "CHICKS IN KICKS"!! Come join us!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Are you a runner?? Want to be a runner?? Need to be a runner??

Do you need someone to help keep you motivated?? Would you like to gain some speed??

Then you must join us for our first ever K.H. "LADIES ONLY" running club...CHICKS IN KICKS!!

You don't need to have any experience or races under your belt...just some "KICKS"!

Normally, there will be a short question/answer time at the beginning...then a short run! We will play that by ear...taking into consideration who is there and what levels everyone is at! Remember, no experience is necessary! We will work with everyone's current situation!

We will meet at the Wendy's side parking lot so we can then use the new trail there for the run!

For now we will try a once a month meeting/run...starting FRIDAY, JUNE 20th @ 7:30pm!!

If you are interested...we will send out an "E-vite" to everyone with more info!! Please email me at and we will get the info to you!! Please feel free to email for any other questions!!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone there...this will be fun, low key and great way to share our "running" lives with each other!!

Till then...keep running!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Saturday at the pool!

This weekend we went to visit some friends that have a pool...the kids had a great time! I was very proud of Ramiro who was encouraged to just jump in...cold turkey...none of this "my toes are in now" like he usually does!! I was sceptical being that Ramiro has not been in a pool since last summer...for those of you who know him and understand his struggle with Sensory Integration issues, you can imagine why I waited with great anticipation. He contemplated but finally took the biggest lunge you'd ever seen! As his "finnies" brought him back up to the surface...he was already in a full scream! Wanting out...and fast!! He took a few minutes to recover, it helped that his other 2 brothers jumped with no reservations...and then he had a wonderful day in the pool!! As you see, Madelyn also enjoyed herself! We just plopped her down in the water...and off she was! Never a whimper or tear...she floated for what seemed like hours! Completely content to be splashed by her brothers who were enjoying the water! Dakota was there too...but I couldn't get him still enough for a picture! Anyhoo...It was a nice time and wonderful to see Ramiro overcome his fears and jump! His time to recover is a fraction of the ordeal that it used to be...I'll write more about him another time! But I am thrilled to watch him overcome these many trials over the years!! He's amazing!!