Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dancing at the coastline.

The sun rose that day in April and there was a sadness that ached through every part of my being. This was the day when all was final and the papers would have their official signatures, marking the end of this chapter in my life. I had packed to be gone for the day, knowing I would be in no shape to handle the demands of home after the events of the morning.

I knew I would need to be alone to run, to process and to let go of whatever else I had a death grip on.

I do not remember the drive to the beach that afternoon, the decision of where to park, or how I changed my clothes. But as I stepped out onto that sand, fully dressed to run its shores...I sensed that every step would be significant, every moment would remain etched in my memory for years to come.

As I ran, I stayed close to the edge...the coastline. As it curved in and out, so did I...I followed it for miles and traced it back again. I was reminded how the coastline changes throughout the day, as the tide comes and times the water covered the sand with a thick layer of protection. Other parts of the day, as the water pulled back, the sand lay open and exposed. Vulnerable to the heat, the disruption of running footsteps, children digging and birds scurrying around.

Sometimes the intensity of the waves were fierce. Other times they were gentle and softly rolled up to the sand. Back and forth, I watched this exchange all afternoon...through my tears, laughter, sadness, anger, frustration and exhaustion...back and forth the waves moved in and out, rearranging the curves of the shore.

Later, I went to the car to get my camera and my notebook.
Here's what I wrote: I'm not able to take my attention off this shore. As the waves come, they always bring something new to the coastline. And as the water draws back, it takes away too. Back and forth the dance continues, it gives and it takes away. It's all in His plan, I suppose. Molding this shore more to His likeness, closer to His plan.

I had decided many times that afternoon to go ahead and leave. Planning to go back home to be with the kids...but I couldn't. I kept turning back. Back to take one more picture, one more deep breath, one more chance to let my hair blow in the breeze. I just couldn't turn away from the coastline, it had me captivated. As the sun started to set, I turned to capture that moment one more time as's what I saw...

The Cross.
That shoreline was where Jesus met me that day.
The Cross.
It's where my Father and I, His child joined to become one.
The Cross.
The ultimate gift of love.
The Cross.
Where hope is offered.
Where healing can restore.
Where reshaping will occur.
Where protection is a guarantee.
It was where I would begin to see that God will take of me what is not of Him.
He will wash away.
But He will also give, restore and reshape.
He will redeem and rebuild.
It is the Cross that joins the mighty wave and the vulnerable sand!
The coastline.
And it is through the Cross that this dance becomes so captivating!
I just can't turn away from it.

1 comment:

The Whitney Family said...

beautiful Jill! My heart and prayers go out to you and your children!