Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I will run.

Well, its a weird kinda day. It's supposed to be a happy day, a day of celebration.
It's not exactly.
Instead, its a day that stings.
It's a day that reminds me of what "isn't".

8 years ago today, I got married.
But yet in 2 weeks from today, I will have been divorced now for 1 year.

I'm finding my philosophy assignment of writing on the Socrates quote "The unexamined life is not worth living", almost impossible. But it's due tonight regardless.

I can't think today.
All I can do is feel.
So I will do what I know works- I will run today.
Because it is through running that I've learned to let go and keep going.

These next few weeks, as the 1 year mark approaches,
I will run...
through the sadness,
through the emotions,
through the confusion of high's and low's.

For this I know for sure...
When I feel broken, running makes me feel less broken.
When I'm exhausted from sadness, running gives me new energy.
When I'm confused, running allows me to straighten out what really does matter.
When I'm overwhelmed, running keeps me focused on the small steps.

I love what Kristin Armstrong (Lance Armstrong's ex-wife, who is a runner) said recently,
"I don't run away from things anymore, mind you, I run through them."

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