Thursday, April 1, 2010

OCD. Nope not me. I'm cured.

There was a day (yesterday)
when this would have thrown me over the edge!
Actually, I would have just jumped.

I worked hard to list all my assignments for the week
and then to designate days for each to be done.
What any good and conscientious student would do, of course.

But instead of jumping...I'm sitting calmly, not hollering or scolding anyone.
I'm proud, this is progress in my world.
Am I disappointed that I let Miss Madelyn sit at my desk? Yes.
But will I re-write it? No.
(though I considered it for 32 seconds,
and I will cringe as I mark each box...
and speaking of boxes,
ya'll hush over my boxes,
leave them alone!
You just don't understand how hard it is to live in this head!)

Anyways, where was I?
Oh yes, perfectionism...
I don't have time for perfection anymore,
It's been traded for "it will do".
* feeling faint, I need a cold rag and the couch*

I just wanted to applaud myself for progress,
though small it may seem to some.
I like things to be a little on. the. organized. side.

I like my papers unfolded and nicely stacked.
I love color coding and label makers.
Oh, the list could go on and on...
but I think I'll stop with those 4,
I love round even numbers after all!

So the destruction to my check list was an opportunity to practice something new.
A moment when I could have chosen to flip.
Instead I am choosing calm.
And actually it feels good, I think I'm cured!

Ok, well I must get off here now,
the boys will be here soon enough and
I need to get my highlighters organized...
in rainbow order!


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Hey Jill!!! I loved your comment, thank you so much. I've got this blog bookmarked!!

Jill said...

OK so hopefully this will bring you a my home, the kids refer to it as "Mama's CDO"...because then the letters are in alphabetical order, AS THEY SHOULD BE! These sweet boys know what makes their mama happy! Have a great day and thanks for all the inspiration, running and otherwise!