Friday, April 9, 2010

Take me out OF the ball game...

Madelyn vs. bleachers.
It didn't go as she had planned.
However she wanted to watch her "budder" play ball, so she did!
But of course, with a dose of Maddie drama.

Dakota vs. baseball.
It didn't go as he had planned either.
You might find it interesting to know,
the glove was in front of his face
at the time in which this happened.
We are still scratching our heads.

What I do know is this:
-I've worried about this moment all his life. I've played it through my mind a million times. My child hurt out on the field, me in the stands. And I would like to report that I DID NOT go running out onto field until I was motioned to come.
Um yes, Thank you.

-I have never seen my son in so much pain before. And I never want to again. But, somehow I feel silly to even speak/write those words...he's still contemplating whether he will play for Alabama or Florida. I fear this is just the beginning. *sigh*

-I'm now afraid of the ball. He is not.

-I have PTSD. He does not.

-I'm nervous about him pitching, hitting, catching, running, sliding or sitting in the dug out.
He isn't nervous.

-I'm not sure the swelling and pain in my heart has gone down yet.
He's getting better by the day.

-I'm ready for the season to end (it just started). He wishes it would last forever!

-Dakota has been ready for sports going on 12 years now.
Mom still isn't ready.

"Maddie honey, can Mommie please have the ice pack, please? Her head is spinning."

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