Monday, May 17, 2010

Just a quick note

Geesh, its been forever since I've posted here! So much has been going on...the kids school programs and events, Dakota's baseball schedule/practices, sign ups for summer sports and camps, as well as my own crazy school schedule! Seems like most every night we are off to play sports, watch sports, sign up for sports, etc. This week is the last full week of school (I'm about to break out into my ugly cry just typing it!) and so this week is no exception to the crazy schedules!

I've been writing a post in my head while running lately and I've been processing it since before Mothers Day. It's about my precious first relationship with him and how recently everything seems to be happening so fast. My heart has been so burdened for him lately. Growing up is tough these days, and mothering those that are growing up is even tougher! Being a Mom is something I'm still molding into...the balance is weird. One minute they are completely dependent on you, the next you hear "Mom, its ok, I've got this". I've been increasingly aware of how vulnerable being a Mother feels! I felt it a lot when the babies were all first born...but then you get used to that role and move on. Now we are entering a new stage...puberty, sports, girls, movies/music/video games, friends, boys locker room drama, etc. I'm sorta missing the days when Dakota wanted to watch Elmocize for the 15th time that day!

Anyways, I will be back here soon with this post and some pics from recent times!

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