Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Treasures from the backpacks

I very often find cute notes in my kids backpacks....

I snoop regularly just to check for them!

I found these in Andre's backpack the other day.

He wrote them at school.

And the fact that he would be thinking of me while at school

makes me mushy and junk.

That first one reads:

"I love my Mom so so so so much.

I will be good evree day Mom."

And no, he doesn't stutter, he just REALLY loves his Momma!

This is the same kid that told the waiter last night that "what

works the best at our house is spankings!"

I see great potential in this child!!

And then I found this one.

It reads:

" Mom is big."

Um, thank you for that, Andre.


This other picture I just couldn't resist sharing.

Just in case I would ever forget how much this child loves sports.

This is the Bulldogs first baseman

(AKA- my son, Ramiro)

This is him at 3pm (when he gets home from school)

counting down the minutes until it's time to leave for his game...

at like 6 or 7 pm!

(and you thought I was lying about the Christmas tree's?)

1 comment:

Carrie and Mark said...

Shut the front door!!! Your kids are such a riot. I'm crying all the way over here in New Zealand... half because it's so funny, and half because I miss your babies SO SO SO SO much! Please give them the biggest hug from their Aunt Carrie!! XOXO