Wednesday, October 29, 2008

back to life, back to reality

I'm home!

Made it back in one piece.

I love spending time with my sister, she's very funny. Sometimes its weird to realize how very much alike but yet different sisters can be!! And her boyfriend, Mark...thanks for teaching me the "art" of canning!!
Thanks for the yummy dinners too!!
(He's very talented with "kitchen things"!!)
Anyways, I had a great time just chillin'...or actually "chilling" was upper 30's and low 40's with a wind chill that made me wear 3-4 layers most the entire time!! I loved my time there, but was thrilled to be back in my normal sunny weather! Maybe my skin won't crack after all!!

I did get in one run...4+ miles...yes, wearing 3 layers, feeling like a Eskimo in tennis shoes!! We got some great pictures too...the leaves were incredible!

We had planned to run once more, but it was wet, even colder than the day before and just entirely too windy for my taste!! (even with all the layers on!!) We celebrated and ate "chocolate dreams" instead!! YAY!!
I'll download more pictures are destroying my office at the moment!! Back to reality!!


Catherine said...

I'm glad you are back home safely! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. I love the one of the leaves and the walk/run already!!! Raleigh and I ran the other night with the cold air and wind...that's going to take some getting used to!!! Let's get together soon!!

Penny said...

Hey! I'm glad you're back! I missed seeing you last night, but I was hip deep in the library! I'm glad you had a good time. I know I don't call you much, but I do think of you often and I pray for you constantly!! I miss our coffee times! :) Maybe when I get on a "normal" schedule (HAH!) we can get together. Luv ya sis!