Monday, February 16, 2009

Along the 26.2 path

Here's some photo's of this LONG journey...

Carrie and I first thing in the 6 am...and yes, it was still dark. But we were with 7,000 other runners who were trying to wake up and get ready!

Waiting for 7:30 am with nothing to do but drink, use the Porto potties and take pictures of ourselves!

They gave us tatoo's to wear...the kids are pumped about the extra's I brought home for them!!

Well, the race started and all was going well...and at this point was still really fun...this was at 8 miles and then passing 10! Still feeling great and happy to be there!!

Mile 13. Still thumbs up and all smiles! Feeling great!

Mile 15...still feeling great! And still smiling!! Of course, still stopping for the Kodak moments!!
Mile 17...still thumbs up, starting to get a little tired now, but overall...OK!
This was mile 18-19 ish...eating a rice ball...maybe not so excited about this anymore! Tired and just too exhausted to look at Carrie and give a thumbs up...conserving energy!!

Mile 20...barely stopped for Kodak moment...didn't really even care about Kodak at this point...I just wanted to be DONE with this already!! No thumbs up, no smiles...just barely standing! 6 more to go...and little did I know...they were UPHILL!!

Here's a video Carrie took of me finishing...I was relieved and thrilled to have made it with no major issues!!

Go Team Jill!!

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