Thursday, April 2, 2009

I got a revolution...whoop, whoop!

Having a girl is all new to me...everything from "doing hair" to her softer temperament. It's all very different from the boys...and though I absolutely adore my boys, I am totally beside myself with joy since having Madelyn (or Ma-la-lyn as Andre calls her!).

This morning I asked God for a fresh word from Him. Ever need that? Directionless. Somewhat apprehensive. Empty. Yes, that was me this morning. And sometimes I just find myself saying "you know, I just need a new dose...a fresh word from you...".

Kinda like Kirk Franklin's song "Revolution" know, the one that says "Do you need a revolution? whoop, whoop". Yeah, that's what I was singing!

As the day has gone on...I have continued writing down what is coming to mind...all while trying to manage the 2 little kids here around the house! It's alittle choppy...hope you can follow.

Here's the beginning of my "whoop, whoop" revolution...why are we so inclined to keep doing the same thing but yet expecting a different result? I know that is very Einstein-ish thinking...but don't you think we fall into ruts of doing that very thing?

I got thinking then about Is. 43:18-19 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland".

My thought went to our Sunday morning service a week or so ago...about casting our nets in the "deep waters". Those words "deep waters" has nagged me ever since. Jesus told the fishermen, who had been doing the same thing all night with no results, to cast their nets down on the other side of the boat...the deeper side. The deep waters...a complete change in direction, where the risk is always greater and the undercurrent is a force to be dealt with! It's not my favorite place, to say the least!

After half the day of pondering here's my conclusion: If deep waters are the path in which God takes your journey, do not fear. There is great assurance. Don't we serve a God who specializes in dry land? You bet we do! The Old Testament if full of examples of just that!! Our God parts waters!!

Is. 43:16 "This is what the Lord says-he who made a way through the sea, and a path through the mighty waters".

Something is springing up...I perceive it. I sense God doing a new thing in my life...far more than hair bows and playing dolls, although I'm having a blast with those too.

But as I fear the mighty waves in the deepest of waters, I know these waves are familiar with His voice!

And I'm still thinking about that olive branch in the mouth of the dove (from this post)...the assurance that God gives dry ground...I'm sensing a new thing!

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