Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Nest

Isn't this cool?? Doesn't it just make you go...ahhh!??

You can't help but to smile!! I love this picture so much, I might get it made bigger and put it up in my house!! My very talented Aunt Sali took this picture the other day from just outside her front door! She was watering some plants and noticed that a bird had apparently been very busy here in her nest! So she grabbed her very cool camera and took this precious picture! (Thanks Sali for letting me use it!!)

When she sent it to me, I immediately thought of the song from our younger years "He's got the whole world in His hands" know which one I'm talking about?? It just looked like a pair of hands holding these cute little eggs! The other thing that I think is cool is how different the eggs all are...I couldn't believe how speckled the one was...its just neat!! I am a little concerned birds usually lay 5 eggs?? Seems like a lot for such little things as they are...some of those eggs there are big!! Whew...some bird she is!! My aunt is keeping watch over them...maybe she'll be able to get a shot of the amazing mother who laid these eggs...but for now she is camera shy!

I keep coming back to this picture too for another reminds me of my sweet little babies...all 5 of them!! Yes, I know...I only have 4 children here...but as some of you may know, we had a baby go to be with the Lord (in 2002) in my second trimester, before getting pregnant with Ramiro (#2 boy) . We have pictures of ultrasounds and my belly...we had a room almost ready and a name picked out (not my husbands favorite however)...but that's pretty much it. There are plenty of memories there too...some very sad but some good as well! It was a very awkward time in our life...but I'm thankful for beautiful pictures like this one, that remind me so perfectly of the 5 babies that I love: Dakota, Jaydan, Ramiro, Andre and Madelyn! Each one has a special place in my heart and in my life even though their lives have not all looked the same!

I can't help but to see this picture then too and know...
He's got "my 5 babies" in His hands!!

Here's the picture in color too...I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I love the post and the pictures. Very sweet!