Sunday, June 29, 2008

the skate park experience

On a lighter note today...I just had to add some cute pictures of my favorite 10 year old...Dakota! He's into skateboarding these days (I see more ER visits in our future) and so the other day we went to a skate park.

For the first time, he was able to see what skating on a half pike was like. And I'd like to report... we "both" survived! He discovered that it was much harder than it appears on tv...and I realized why I was the only mother there!! WARNING:This isn't a relaxing experience! I held my breath so much that I ended up with hick ups. But I was thankful to be there to witness his "first" skate park experience!

I'm discovering more everyday that boys are just very different than girls. In my family, there was only my sister and I. Furniture was never thought of as a playground. Whoopi cushions were not considered great family entertainment. And the thought that my sister would maybe punch me in the head as she walked by (just because it was funny, of course) did not enter my mind!! Well the skate park was another example...there was never a moment of fear...he was going to conquer this thing, and do so right from the get go!!

When Dakota and I walked up to the half pike...I was amazed at how high off the ground it was. It never entered occurred to him. Dakota was quickly ready, with all his gear on, and within minutes was climbing the stairs to the top.

"Oh dear Dakota, are you sure you want to START there?? What about trying to just get used to the bottom first...this will be faster than your used to going, the surface is different."
He assured me he was fine!
"ok...please be careful honey!" (thinking I should have pulled his helmet strap a little tighter!)
**holding my breath**
He decided to go for it (after a few minutes of deep concentration) and unfortunately it didn't turn out as he would have liked. It was the first of many falls that day (many, many falls) but he did get the hang of it...eventually able to keep steady on the basic things like...well...staying up on the skate board while moving. You got to start somewhere!

Aside from some bruises and sore legs/hips...he had a great time and wants to go back again!! With some experience under his belt now, he thinks he will be better prepared for the top of the pike!! I might just send his father with him next time!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

He is so cute and turning into such a little handsome young man!! I'm so glad my boys aren't into skating! That would make me a nervous wreck too! Where was this skatepark? The one they are building in our town is ridiculous!!!!! Well, I'm glad he had all of his safety gear. I want to see some action shots!!! See you soon.