Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kisses for the soul

Another moment. Another lesson I know He is teaching me.

The other night, I was getting Madelyn ready for bed. She had just gotten out of the shower, yes she takes a shower at 15 mo. old. Actually, its with the boys (little boys). They love to all pile in there together and then we take the shower head (detachable) and hose them down, works out nicely! Herd them in, scrub 'em up, herd them out!! Anyways, back to my point here...Madelyn was smellin' so sweet and wonderful. That's what got me off on the shower tangent. Her hair and skin were so soft and she was in one of those cute cuddly moods. After I got her jammies on, I plopped her down on my bed, gave her the beloved passy and snuggled up with her. She's a kissy little thing and so she usually pulls my head over to hers and I kiss her passy, she laughs and you'll see a grin appear from behind her plug...otherwise known around here as the "mute". This particular night she puts her hand on my face to kiss, I kiss it. Then she gives me the other one, I kiss it. She gives me her foot, I kiss it. And then her other foot, I kiss it too. On to her elbows, I kiss them both. And then her ear, I kiss it. She moves her head so that I can kiss her neck, I kiss it then too. She plops her head back down on the pillow, sighs and pulls her "lovie" (satin blanket) up to her face and grins so peacefully! It was the sweetest thing I think she's ever done (in 15 months of course). She had been covered in kisses, head to toe, and within minutes was fast asleep.

I immediately (like as in I'm still kissing her feet) felt something I've never felt before. As I was giving kisses I saw myself in Madelyn. At that moment, I knew that really it was me...asking God to kiss this hurt, this one too, oh wait...I have one here as well.

God, can you heal this sore? Can you restore this pain, this disappointment, this sadness? Will you please kiss them...making them better, like only you know how to do? Lord, this one here is bleeding...if I give it to you, will you heal it also? Can you restore my sinful choices? The scars that are left, can you use them for they are more than just an ugly scar?? I want to bask in your presence, healed by your touch and know that YOU are covering me from head to toe.

It was a precious moment. For me, with Madelyn. For me, with God. I also needed "kisses". His healing. His comfort. The kind only a Savior can give.

Is anyone with me on this? Surely I'm not alone. I'm hoping that someone can relate so that I don't feel like ya'll are looking at me funny!!

As I was running this morning, still thinking about the "kisses" thing...the song "All I need" by Hillsong was playing on my Ipod. The main phrase is "all I need is You Lord". The very next song was "Nothing but the blood of Jesus"...the phrase..."what can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus" has captured me yet again today. Only God can heal, He is all I need. He is the answer to it all. Every hurt, pain, decision. Only God can make me whole.

The blood of Jesus is what "kisses" our suffering, but also our sin...His forgiveness is where it begins...healing the pain that accompanies our consequences.

How sweet it is to stay here awhile, basking in Gods goodness!!
Knowing that His kisses are a gift to the believer who surrenders themselves to Him.
He can take on the bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes and the ones that are bleeding.
And the best part??
He's always ready and willing to cover us...from head to toe!
Let me get into my jammies, for now I can rest.

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