Friday, February 6, 2009

Can't it be 20 degrees today??

Today, I am so very proud of myself. Want to know what I did, all by myself??
I sound like my preschoolers, I know!
I built a fire in the fireplace.
I realize your probably thinking "big deal, Jill"...well it was!
I had never, never before done the fireplace thing!
My kids were worried. I must have seemed a little on edge while barking out demands..."move over Ramiro, Andre back up I need some space here, Madelyn 'no no, hot', please boys don't ask me questions while I'm still trying to figure out how to get the stupid (oops sorry Andre, I know we don't say stupid)...I mean SILLY lighter started"!
(It must have ran out of lighter fluid, starter stuff...b/c the next lighter worked just was NOT operator error, I'll have you know!!)

Anyways...I've since had to open up the windows to let some of the 50+ degree weather in so we didn't roast in here! I wouldn't have cared if it was 75 degrees out...I'M LEARNING TO BUILD A FIRE TODAY!! (oops actually I checked my suburbans thermometer...its 72 degrees!!)

This afternoon, I have taken a few minutes to read in Numbers and Deuteronomy. Aren't you excited!!?? What could be more fun on a Friday afternoon, right!? I know eyes are rollin', oh well! Actually to be honest, I really haven't read much more than 4 words...over and over again.

If you look in Numbers, almost every other verse starts with "and the Lord said to Moses"...and then "the Lord spoke to Moses". On and on it goes...the same few words, over and over for 36 chapters ...I'm not incredibly bright but I got a feeling that maybe there is a point that was needing to be made here!! Just maybe!

Then I happened upon Deuteronomy 28:1 NKJV
"...if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God..."


Could it be that THE LORD HAS SOMETHING TO SAY!!??

I am reminded of a conversation the other night with a friend that I don't talk to much, but love nevertheless!! She mentioned that she had wondered about what people mean when they "hear God". Well, I've thought a lot about that since Wednesday night...its another part of my 2008 that has changed me.

So, to make this short...I'm working on compiling some notes on how I've come to know the Lord speaking in my life. I have journaled throughout last year, mostly for my own sanity...but I think it has provided some insight about how God speaks to me and what that sounds like. It of course will only be of my experience with God. But its one of those...ask 5 different'll get 5 different stories of how God speaks to them. However, maybe it will be of some help to someone else. I still am in the process of figuring this all out myself though...its a life long process, I think. But there were clearly some signs that I was not recognizing as HIM!! It was a huge step in experiencing God that I was missing before!

I recognize that maybe many of you are more interested in more "funner" blogs. It's ok. Read what you want, don't what you don't...actually it probably is a better exercise for me than anyone else!

Til then, I'm enjoying my toasty warm fire. That I , ahem, built all by myself!!
Madelyn's not the only big girl around here!! She's got company today baby!!

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