Sunday, February 8, 2009

The next 7 days.

The next 7 days. I will be on the countdown, preparing every aspect I know to prepare.
Oh how I love proper planning! Makes me giddy inside, you know... lists and all!

Carb loading. Protein pumping. Stretching on anything that will hold me up.
Keeping myself loose and relaxed (somewhat of an oxymoron at this point).
Early to bed...sleep, sleep, sleep!
Taking Colloidal Silver and staying away from anyone who sneezes!!
(never mind that I've woken up with a sick stomach today and am barely holding down Saltines!)

My sister will fly in on Friday. She has maybe the toughest job...keeping up with me!
She's going to be loaded up with anything I might need...drinks, food, drugs, dry clothes, energy, distraction, humor, help stretching, motivation when I have none and directions to the closest Porto potty! Sounds like fun huh? How do you thank someone for that?

In 7 days, I will put my body and soul to the test.
26.2 miles.
Rain or shine. Hot or cold. It's any ones guess.
The training's been done, the miles are logged.
It will be a day I won't forget, with many hours to soak it all in!

In 7 days, I'll lace up my shoes, as I've done a hundred times the past year.
Thankful for this journey, this time of mental and physical growth!
Just the road and I, with miles to go and thoughts to ponder.
As my legs pull me forward, my heart pumping away...
I know this was a gift.
A blessing in disguise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are amazing and are going to have a fantastic marathon. I'm so proud of you!

Love, E