Monday, February 8, 2010

the unmentionables

I have a ton of laundry to do today. Sometimes I think I could do laundry everyday all day long and still have more to do. It's craziness I tell ya!
This morning I had one of those "oh dear heavens, I.HAVE.4.KIDS." moments. This is what threw me into that tailspin...

I know this is no news flash, I've had 4 kids now for 2 1/2 years...but I now have 4 kids wearing underwear! Some of the kids call them briefs or boxers, some call them underwear and under-roos, Maddie calls hers "princess pannies".

Never the less, as I stood there folding their "undergarments", I paused a moment and just stood there speechless. As I looked at them all lined up and in piles, I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of each child. Each that needs clean clothes (or on some days that would be MOSTLY clean), each mouth that needs fed, each head of hair that needs cut, each heart that needs shepherding.

Dear God, thank you for these precious kids you've entrusted to me. And now please give me wisdom to know just exactly what I'm supposed to do with them!! I don't want to mess them up!

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