Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ramblings of roots and the Mitzvot

We are playing "hookie" from church this morning. I feel badly about it, we almost always go on Sunday mornings. I really should be there, and so should the kids. I need to be there actually, I need to get out of this house. But its cold outside, Andre has a green nose, my car doors are frozen and my hip is sore from attempting to open them yesterday (a little hip action does wonders for icy doors, sorta)! It seemed like a good reason to stay in today.

Plus, when I woke up this morning I could hardly move my jaw and my body felt like I had stayed in one position all night. I was stiff, sore and wondering if I really got any good sleep. I think my sleep was stressful and if I had my guess, it was because I was dreaming about my never ending pages of philosophy reading still waiting for me. Actually the 613 Mitzvot Commandments of the Modern Judaism faith has me bug-eyed! I was supposed to feel better when the prof says we shouldn't feel the need to memorize them all, just be very familiar with them! He must not have 4 little kids who want to practice their colors and drawing on the 25 pages of Mitzvot Commandments I had to print in order to get "very familiar" with all 613 of them!

Adding full time school into this life of full time mom, full time taxi driver, full time housekeeper and lately full time nurse for my sick kids... has been a big adjustment! My lack of sleep is starting to play a role in my ability to "be nice". I want to be nice, truly I do. But my niceness (I'm sure I saw that word in my books lately...and spelled just like that!) left when I realized that I would have to stay up till midnight every night in order to get this all done. And incidentally, the wooden spoon has made its way back into my life!

Just for examples sake, I just found Madelyn hiding in my bathroom as she unrolled the entire roll of scotch tape and has stuck it to the floor boards. Well, that is, what part of the tape she could get pulled out of her hair. And speaking of her hair, its stiff from the cereal that she spilled this morning all over herself and the kitchen floor. (She's beginning to remind me of Romona Quimby from my early reading days!) Once again, I want to be nice. I just can't find my nice Sunday voice when I discover another mess to clean! And somehow I fear that everything these days seems to equate to LESS SLEEP FOR ME!!

Anyways, I am actually taking a Christian counseling class this semester too. Actually, I'm taking 2 philosophy classes and 2 Christian counseling classes...the first set are for 8 weeks and then the second set for the other 8 weeks. The counseling classes are more "normal" for me and though they do require reading and watching lectures, Christian counseling ethics is not on the same brain hemisphere as the Mitzvot! Just saying.

Truthfully I'm not really sure what brain hemisphere I'm actually working off of lately. I had a not so intelligent moment come over me the other day that left me wondering about the space between my ears. I was carrying a 20 lb bag of potato's from the car to the kitchen and had the misfortune of the top part of the bag breaking. Some of the potato's fell out of the bag and rolled down the stairs and into the red dirt. My Dad happen to be standing there and being the really smart and intelligent thing that I am, I said "oh Dad, they fell into the dirt, do you think they're still good?". Dad gave me this odd facial expression and said "and so where did you think the others in the bag came from?". oh right. duh. But he ever so sweetly got under the porch, recovered the potato's for me and didn't say another word about it.

I came into the house, looked at those 2 pathetic roots and thought "Well, to heck with where potato's come from cause I'm busy getting very familiar with all 613 of the Mitzvot"!!

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