Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Highlighter yellow is NOT my color!

Got some good news....wanna hear?

I ran 3 miles 2 days ago, and this morning ran 4....

and I feel great!

Who's your mamma??

It must be the overdose of Vit D and calcium that's done the trick!!
good bye broken ankle. be gone from me.

And thank goodness b/c guess who's gained 10 lbs!?!?!
never mind. don't guess.

change of subject:
several people have asked about my hair.
Which is odd....
I mean who really cares about my hair.
However many people who've known me since I was a kid
do not recognize the straight hair.
If you looked up "very white girl with very big fro' " in the dictionary-
um yes, that's where you'd find me!!

As a young girl,

I cried lots of tears over my hair.
ask my parents. they'll tell you.
kids are cruel and I hated my hair!

And maybe my parents where right.
they were just jealous.
Cause guess what people ask me now?
"where are those beautiful curls?"

That's right more "poodle head" comments!!

Though I've invested a small fortune
in hair products over the years....
the curls are still there!

I still wanna kick that "poodle head" kids rear!

1 comment:

AmandaCRNP said...

Jill-you could be bald headed and still be pretty! Straight, curly, pink, black, blonde, whatever!