Saturday, June 11, 2011

A day in the life.....

5:30am- woke up realizing that getting a run in, showered and dressed for work by 6:45 wasn't an option; I checked with me, myself and I and we unanimously decided to roll over.

6:00am- got up, showered, tried 4 combo's of an outfit, ditched all of those and started over.

6:45am- get Kota, Ramiro, Andre and Maddie all up, dressed the younger ones, and got breakfast for everyone. Miro am meds.

7:30am- attempt at doing something with my hair and face. Miro has basketball camp 40 minutes away- must get going and get over my bad hair day.

7:45am- drive over to Dad's to get lunches, find out he was planning on taking Ramiro to basketball camp for me (ugh, I could have run after all!!). Send Ramiro/Dakota with Dad.

8:00am- drive Andre to summer day camp. go back home with Maddie.

8:30am- clean kitchen, transfer laundry, read Maddie 2 books, check emails- fb- school assignments, worry about school work, make coffee/fruit for myself. Pay cellphone bill.

10:30am- take Maddie to Dad's- who has just gotten home w/ Kota-and taken Ramiro to summer day camp on his way back. Maddie/Kota hang with their Papa while I'm doing my internship. Give Dad Ramiro's noon meds which he has to drive back over to the camp to give him at 12:00.

10:45am- look in the back seat of suburban and realize Andre's lunch is sitting back there. Turn around and drive back over to day camp to give Andre his lunch. This would be the 3rd trip of 4 to summer camp-all before noon.

11:30am-2:30pm- group cognitive behavior therapy class for those who've been arrested for alcohol/drug abuse. sad situations these people are in. good learning experience.

2:30-5:00pm- help therapists/office staff with clients charts/personality tests.

5:15pm- go with staff to grab a quick sandwhich (only main meal of the day) before LifeSkills of Alabama orientation starts.

6:30pm-8:30pm- orientation. LifeSkills is going to be great. another commitment, well worth the sacrifice.

8:40pm- start driving home, Kota's burning up my phone wanting to know when I will be there. he misses me I think!

9:15pm- get to parents and Mom is sick in bed with flu (Dad has had Kota/Maddie all day, picked up the 2 boys at camp in afternoon, fed them all, taken Kota to football practice, taken the little kids back to my house for showers, and are now back at their house watching NBA finals). rush home with kids.

9:30pm- get Miro pm meds, all little kids in bed. Kota wants me to watch the 2nd half of NBA finals with him. crazy exhausted, can't see straight but I hang with him anyways.

11:00pm- get up, wash face, brush teeth, worry about school work (I've done none).
collapse into bed.

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