Sunday, July 10, 2011

Watching the fruit

Most days, early in the morning

I can be found in the chair on my front porch

drinking coffee and watching these:

No, they don't change much from day to day

but the lessons in "fruit" will not be lost on me.

Morning after morning I am reminded, as

the Lord gently presses His finger upon my heart,

"though it takes time, watch the fruit".

Fruit won't mislead.
To the degree that there is good fruit, there is health.

We must trust the fruit and we must become students.
We must train our eyes, our hearts, our minds-
to discern the complexities of the tree, the vines, and the fruit.

And the most difficult part of it all-
the evaluation of our own fruit.
Lord, give me the humility to see it as it really is
and the strength to cut off what spoils.

This morning as I sat once again
gazing at the fruit tree,
He gently reminded me
"Jillbaby, boundaries offer protection-
but it won't look great
to those who don't understand."

I layed my head back, took a deep breath, and could taste
the sweetness of pear preserve
in my near future!

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