Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Collision sport

"Football isn't a contact sport; its a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport."

~Vince Lombardi

This is one of the reasons why having 3 boys in football keeps my stomach in knots.

It's also one of the reasons why I can't sit in the stands like other parents;

the years of trauma surgery has ruined me!

Thankfully Andre's wrist was fine!

He made a big sac

(or is it a sack? or maybe its called a tackle?)

that cost him a twisted up wrist.

He recovered fairly quickly and all was well again.

Lord, watch over my boys....

protect them from those half grown kids that eat animals on steroids.

And Lord give me strength to stay calm

when MY BABY'S at the bottom of the pile!

And also, can I put in a request for new weight regulations

for middle school football?

The word collision causes me such anxiety!



Sunday, August 28, 2011

When you want to give up

Yesterday I went running right smack in the middle of the day. It was a risky move being that it was pushing 100 degrees outside and all, but I needed it because I was feeling the frustration levels getting too high. It was one of those "I need to run or else I'm gunna be issuing a bunch of apologies" kinda runs. Nothing had gone wrong per say, but life is busy and sometimes getting 4 children out the door (on time) for anything is such an ordeal. I had already exhausted my deep breathing, my 10 second time out, and my "relax on demand" skills by this point....I knew a good hard run would do the trick.

I did what any respectable and desperate mother would do, I bribed the kids and hightailed it for the door before anyone had the opportunity to negotiate a better deal for themselves! It was successful and I was sweating profusely within minutes!

The first 2 miles were perfect; I felt strong, fast, and focused. I loved every minute of it! Unfortunately, this euphoria came to a screeching halt and within minutes I wasn't feeling this run anymore. I was hot, thirsty, and becoming quickly agitated. I had come to the point where I would need to dig deep to finish. The problem was, right now I don't have a lot "in reserves".

I started pulling out my mantra's I've used over the years. Words that have gotten me through when the going got tough... "Jill, just one foot", "Your stronger than you think", "run like a mother", "girl, don't let that beat you", or here's one of my fav's-"run like you stole something"!

As I was rehearsing my lines, I got thinking about my boys. About the things I've said to them when they are about to play a tough game, and its so hot you can hardly stand to breathe!

(Dakota #16)

About the times when they have had all they can take, yet the coach has just assigned another 50 yard sprint drill at the end of the 2 hour practice. If they can keep going when they have nothing left, so can I. If they can go stand up to guys twice their size and stay strong, I can finish this run.

(Dakota taking down the biggest boy out there!)

Ramiro #12....QB

Andre #16....Center

A perfect combo!

(Ramiro taking one last look at his line!)

Right now my boys are fighting through some grueling hot workouts and the games are even more demanding! My boys have been hit hard, run over, tackled, and yelled at....and yet not a one of them has quit! Now it was my turn, I must prove what I'm made of when I'd rather give up! When I'm exhausted and at the end of my rope, I'm reminded of these pictures...of my 3 boys digging deep and staying strong! And so that's what I did, in honor of my boys, I cranked out a few more miles and finished strong! I am so blessed!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Anchor

Today I needed the reminder of the post I wrote a while ago.
It's the one about a weed. Remember it? The thistle?

It's the one that reminds me that though I don't particularly feel strong, I am stronger than I think! It's the one that early this morning, while "running away"- reminded me of my root system and I found the courage to begin "running back".

The wind may blow, the heat may burn; but I trust my Anchor!
You can read it HERE.

p.s.- don't worry, I did finish that run back home! haha

Thursday, August 18, 2011

ticks and "tonsils"

We've had a few long nights recently, a tick rocked our world.

He brought Madelyn Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,

which our doctor has seen 2 other times in the past 25 years.
Of course it found us the weekend before school started,

and the night I had a huge research paper due.

Impeccable timing.

Three nights later we had another long night at the hospital,

and in an attempt to protect the rights of a certain 7 year old
I'll not fully disclose his diagnosis

but we can play charades....sounds like:

"tonsil" torsion.

(torsion is the medical term for twisted)

Need another clue?

It's a male specific diagnosis.

need I say more?



This school year, due to the sudden medical issues,
we implemented a "staggered enrollment" of our own!
Eventually I did get everyone to school,
all at the same time.
It felt like an act of congress, but it finally happened!!

However, we are continuing to still have issues with attitudes,
therefore we had to implement "staggered first day pictures" as well.
I'm learning to go with the flow.

Thankfully, the blisters are healing, fevers are gone
and swollen and twisted "tonsils" are getting better.

And if your wondering about me-
Oh don't worry, I'm fine!
I'm celebrating and running like a crazy girl....
like a mother who's had baby's home for the past 8 years!

I think I'm gunna adjust JUST FINE!

(Brody is wondering about my new workout program...use bicep to set timer, run into place, squat til light flashes, jump at beep,repeat 90 times until you get the shot you like!

It's called "P90DORK" and I'm comfortable with it.

But,he couldn't bare to watch anymore! silly dog)