Thursday, August 18, 2011

ticks and "tonsils"

We've had a few long nights recently, a tick rocked our world.

He brought Madelyn Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,

which our doctor has seen 2 other times in the past 25 years.
Of course it found us the weekend before school started,

and the night I had a huge research paper due.

Impeccable timing.

Three nights later we had another long night at the hospital,

and in an attempt to protect the rights of a certain 7 year old
I'll not fully disclose his diagnosis

but we can play charades....sounds like:

"tonsil" torsion.

(torsion is the medical term for twisted)

Need another clue?

It's a male specific diagnosis.

need I say more?



This school year, due to the sudden medical issues,
we implemented a "staggered enrollment" of our own!
Eventually I did get everyone to school,
all at the same time.
It felt like an act of congress, but it finally happened!!

However, we are continuing to still have issues with attitudes,
therefore we had to implement "staggered first day pictures" as well.
I'm learning to go with the flow.

Thankfully, the blisters are healing, fevers are gone
and swollen and twisted "tonsils" are getting better.

And if your wondering about me-
Oh don't worry, I'm fine!
I'm celebrating and running like a crazy girl....
like a mother who's had baby's home for the past 8 years!

I think I'm gunna adjust JUST FINE!

(Brody is wondering about my new workout program...use bicep to set timer, run into place, squat til light flashes, jump at beep,repeat 90 times until you get the shot you like!

It's called "P90DORK" and I'm comfortable with it.

But,he couldn't bare to watch anymore! silly dog)

1 comment:

Michelle Lambert said...

You go girl. Love ya.