Thursday, October 6, 2011

If these roads could speak.

What would they say? Oh, these roads. If only they could speak.

Would they tell you that I’m faithful? Would they tell you that some days are good, some days not so good?

Would they mention that they’ve seen it all? Day after day, stops and starts, beginnings and ends, ups and downs.

Would they tell you that though I’ve come soooo far, I still have far to go?


If these old roads could speak, I wonder….would they tell you that I’m stubborn and will not give up?

Would they mention that I often get it wrong? I do when I shouldn’t, and don’t when I should?

Would they tell you that the red face isn’t always heat, it’s often the process of letting go?


And yet if these roads could talk, would tell you that I run through Weeping Willows with my arms outstretched like a plane

because its fun to pretend your flying? Even when others are watching.

Would they mention that I laugh out loud, pray out loud, and sing out loud- just because I can?

Would they tell you that I’m just a kid who still wants to play and this feels like “fun”?


I know they would tell you that I see the weirdest things. That often the unexpected is just so funny!

I know they would mention for some reason I talk to the cows, like I do my dog. And they don’t respond the same!

I know these roads would tell you…


that I didn’t intend….


to start…


a neighborhood canine exercising service!


But I have. accidentally.

I’m afraid these roads could have a lot to say!

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