Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lesson learned: Circle the tree

One day last year I was trail running on our farm

during my favorite time of year

~the fall~

the air was crisp

and the woods were bald, having already shed

its “summer coat”.

At that time Brody was getting around easier then than he is now,

so I had taken him with me.

Brody and I have such a connection while in the woods~

we both come to life!


I was on a trail that I had run many times 

but this particular day

my eye caught a glimpse of this tree that I had never noticed before :



As I glanced at it, nothing really seemed overly unusual.

Fairly normal actually.

Standing tall and narrow; status quo as far as trees go.

I did briefly notice something around the sides but it wasn’t concerning,

rarely is a tree without blemishes after all.

So I continued up the trail to my normal turnaround point.


However, as I began my journey back down I was shocked to see this:


It was the same tree, just from another perspective~ the backside.

What appeared like a healthy, relatively normal tree

was hardly the picture of health I had once thought.


Actually, it was gross!

As I began to move around

I realized that each new angle made things look even worse.


Circling the tree

gave me a clearer picture~

and it told me something very significant about my first impression!

It was wrong. Terribly wrong.

And what I dismissed or rationalized was even worse.


I took it all in for a minute and then continued on my run;

when I had gotten several yards away

I glanced back over my shoulder one more time…


and almost giggled as I thought

“That’s amazing ~you don’t even notice it from here” . 


That moment would not be lost on me!

The experience of circling the tree that day was a Divine appointment

and one I think about often.


The position by which we are viewing something is extremely significant~

  different angles yield different insights.

If we only allow ourselves a narrow perspective we can be sure of this:

some truths will be seen~

others will be obscured!

Lesson learned.

Always. Circle. The. Tree.







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