Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thin places.

You know that place?

Where the space between you and something else is so transparent, you can’t be sure where one ends and the other begins?

Last May, in the moments immediately after Dakota tore his patella tendon off his shin, I was painfully aware of being in a thin place. I can imagine he doesn’t exactly see it the same way, but I wasn’t sure who was in more pain; him or I.

The space between my children’s life and my own is almost non-existent. It is the thinnest place I know.

But for me there’s another kind of thin place:


…where the natural and the supernatural meet.

Where the space between Him and I feels unusually thin,

and an “upload/download” exchange occurs.

And it’s here, when I run…


that the thin places allow me to catch my breath~

and yet take my breath away.




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