Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dear running...

Dear running,
I must confess, this love affair with you has worked out nicely. Our time in the evenings has been wonderful! A great way to end the day. We've been on this kick together now since the first of the year and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!

Unfortunately, my dear, the time has come... this relationship will be put to the test. It's time for some stretching and it might create some discomfort. I'm sure our commitment to one another will withstand this "season of change"!! But for now, dear running, I will no longer be available in the evening. We must start meeting at the crack of dawn. I know change is hard, I kick and scream too...not wanting to rearrange my sleep for yet another thing. We will begin a new chapter as we will now watch the moon set and the sun rise together! I hope you don't mind!! Mr. "Day-Light Saving Time" is to blame...I'm so sorry!! I hope you understand!

Maybe this will add a new dimension to our relationship, new roads to venture down, giving a new perspective on things!! Sometimes change is good...keeps things from getting boring!! I never want this to get "stale", dreading the time together. So, I will look for you...bright and early! Maybe not fully awake yet, probably a little slower than usual...give me a few weeks, I'll adjust!!

Thanks for understanding...you are good like that!! Thank you for being the easiest thing to be committed to. No strings attached. No hidden motives. Always willing to accommodate my schedule and being content to allow me to call the shots!! I wish all relationships were this easy!! So glad I found you! You're the best!!

Love, Jill

P.S.-I do love this "love affair" with you!! I'm here for the long haul!!

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