Thursday, September 4, 2008

Too funny!!

Just had to share this funny.

Yesterday afternoon I happen to be in the bathroom preparing for our Wednesday night Awana's program. Actually, that sounded funny, let me clarify. I wasn't really preparing for the Awana's program while IN the bathroom...I was just doing my hair/makeup in preparation for GOING to the Awana's program. Whew! Ok, anyways...I had decided that since I have still not gotten my hair cut (and it needs it badly)...I was going to be pulling out my ever so handy "velcro" know what I'm talking about?? Those mumbo, jumbo big ole' fat things?? Yes, I own them too! And occasionally, I must revert back to them.

Apparently though I haven't done so in quite some time. Ramiro bolted into the bathroom as I was working on my face, letting those rollers do their "magic" up on the top of my head for a few minutes (they were lined up in a row like a "roller coaster"...haha!! No pun intended there...but that was funny! How do things just pop up into my head like that?) Anyhoo...back to Ramiro...he came into the bathroom with a mission. To tattle on his younger brother. As he flew through the bathroom door, his mouth was already in "tattle mode", he took one look at me and suddenly stopped. Mouth wide open and eyes even bigger. Without skipping a beat he says "and mom your hair looks very badly". I had forgotten about my "roller coaster" I had to look in the mirror to see what was so "badly". I cracked up. Yes, it was.

The funny part is that he then turns around and goes to his older brother and says, "Dakota, you should see what momma is wearing in her hair to church". Sadly, Dakota did come and look. As if I usually wear weird things in my hair to go anywhere!! I guess Ramiro thought since I had moved on to my makeup, I must have been done with my hair!! much to learn!! So little time!!

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