Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A need for speed!

Hadn't planned on blogging today...other things going on. Getting ready for family to come, Madelyn is turning one, etc. I am taking advantage of the deadline of my family being here the first weekend of August to get some of the "someday" home projects done! Things like...well, I'm embarrassed to say, curtains! You know, they go on the walls/windows...yes, I know you all know...however, my kids are asking all kinds of questions about them. "What is that you are putting up there Mom??". I must admit, I had to tell them what curtains were! Nice homemaker I am!!

Anyways, I decided to blog to "de-stress"...maybe this helps huh? I had a temper-attack with my kids this evening...well maybe all day!! The little boys are just out of control these days! I just can't take it anymore. I absolutely can not take them anywhere...they are sooo misbehaving!! Running up and down the aisles at Ace Hardware, pushing the buggy into each other at the grocery store, touching every blessed thing they can get their hands on, tripping each other...after, of course, they have been warned and all privileges taken away...FOR LIFE!! (Andre wanted to know how long "life" was!! *sigh* I was about to show him how short it really is!!). Spanking doesn't seem to change the behavior and dessert/special treat doesn't seem to either!! The issue is (I think, but who am I...I'm the one with misbehaving children) that they are in competition for everything! If Ramiro's sick, Andre wants to be sick. If Andre does something, Ramiro has to "outdo" him. And so the cycle gets bigger and bigger. Any suggestions?? I'm desperate!!

Well tonight, I discovered that my curtains (2 pairs to be exact) that I had made for my living room had been mysteriously cut (like 7 inches worth of jagged cutting) with a pair of scissors!! Jill went "OVER THE EDGE"!! They know better than to cut ANYTHING without talking to me about it first!! It's a household rule here!! I've run a sewing business for some time now out of my house...they know that they can not cut things until given the ok!! The other deal is...who do you punish?? No one would fess up! Ramiro knows who did it...Andre. Andre says he saw Ramiro do it! The truth be told...they were probably both involved somehow!! But I want to know..."who had the scissors in their hand while the fabric was being cut?"!! Nobody knows!! So...you do what you have to do, they both were punished!! huh...I'm still fuming!! I thought this was going to somehow help....

**change of subject for sanity's sake**

The "need for speed" thing...
Last night, I went running. I thought that I would get out there before it started to rain. Not so much luck with that. About 10 minutes into the run (after walking for 5 min. to warm up) the lightening started! More like cymbals crashing in the sky!! I kept going about 5 more minutes...it didn't let up! And the rain was now falling! This rain was the wonderful kind, steady and cooling! The lightening/thunder was not so wonderful, it was down right loud! I decided I had better get home... and do so quickly! So I began to sprint. Yes, I can sprint when I must. This 10 min. miler was kicking out 8 min. miles all the way home!! ( I know so b/c I have the route measured!!) I was bright red, almost gasping for air and very tired when I made it home! I won't mention the names of 2 friends (ahem!!) who passed me by in their cars as I'm trying to dodge lightening bolts! But, if there was any blessing in the run (besides that I wasn't hit by lightening as I passed by the utility company and their huge electrical poles) it was that I got a great speed session in!! There's nothing like running for your life to work on leg turnover times (btw, that's how you run faster!!). I guess it wasn't all in vain!!

Whew...well 9:34pm...its time to lay this tired, worn out, still "fuming about my curtains" thing into bed!! Good night!! I must go pray............

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