Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Busy bee

Oh dear...appologies...I confess, I have been a bad blogger lately!

I have been working on other things...busy getting things done at my house, VBS last week, running, reorganizing (seems like I'm always doing that), etc. Oh, but you should see my office/sewing room now!! Whew- Wee...its nice, organized and mostly pretty too (don't look in the closet!!). I'm getting the sewing bug again!! Don't call me yet...those of you who have projects for me to do. I still have some of my own things that HAVE to get done soon!! But, I'm throwing around some ideas...maybe only doing quilts (made of children's clothes)! Now that Maddie is 1...I have hers to do!! Yippie!! I'm finding with 4 kids...sewing on a time schedule is a problem! Things start to fall apart when I'm under the gun to meet someones deadline! I want to enjoy sewing...not regret it!!

Anyhoo...gotta run...will post fun pictures soon...many "mistreatments" going on in my house these days!! I'll explain later....

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