Friday, October 31, 2008

A few more postcard shots!

Here's more, of course, being silly. The leaves were just too fun and beautiful to not play in them...few interesting looks from passer-bys...they must be boring people, I'm sure of it!!
Carrie lives in the North Shore area (is that capitalized?? not sure), but the lake is awesome!! Little chilly.

I know...someone should hire me...imagine what I could do with a "real" camera!! Hee Hee!!

Oh yes, and one of my favorites of Maddie! Lovin' it girl!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

back to life, back to reality

I'm home!

Made it back in one piece.

I love spending time with my sister, she's very funny. Sometimes its weird to realize how very much alike but yet different sisters can be!! And her boyfriend, Mark...thanks for teaching me the "art" of canning!!
Thanks for the yummy dinners too!!
(He's very talented with "kitchen things"!!)
Anyways, I had a great time just chillin'...or actually "chilling" was upper 30's and low 40's with a wind chill that made me wear 3-4 layers most the entire time!! I loved my time there, but was thrilled to be back in my normal sunny weather! Maybe my skin won't crack after all!!

I did get in one run...4+ miles...yes, wearing 3 layers, feeling like a Eskimo in tennis shoes!! We got some great pictures too...the leaves were incredible!

We had planned to run once more, but it was wet, even colder than the day before and just entirely too windy for my taste!! (even with all the layers on!!) We celebrated and ate "chocolate dreams" instead!! YAY!!
I'll download more pictures are destroying my office at the moment!! Back to reality!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Packed, ready to go!!

1:44pm-supposed to be pulling into the airport, I'm not. Delta called. Flight canceled. WHHAATTTT?? Rescheduled for 5pm. *sigh*
1:45pm-kids in bed, sitting on my couch looking at my luggage...bored stiff!! I said...I wanted to be at the AIRPORT with nothing to do, not here in my living room!!
1:47pm-thinking about the "patience is required" comment I made the other day...on the blog previous to this one. Hate it when I have to practice what I preach!!
1:49pm-should I repack my bags, reconsider those brown shoes? Underwear. check. Toothbrush. check. Socks. not sure on the brown ones...better go "check". Speaking of checks...used my last one...maybe I should go order more!!
1:54pm-brown socks. check. ordered checks. "check" on the checks!
bored again...

Original post:
Signing off for several days...Chicago here I come!! No kids, no responsibilities...just my running shoes, a good book and some cold weather!! Yahoo!! 1pm...I'm outta here!!

I got my camera...If I do anything really exciting...I'll show ya'll when I get back!!

Oh, to just sit at the airport...with NOTHING to do!! I almost can't stand the excitement....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Road Work...consider it pure joy

Do you ever get this feeling in life??
When you realize you are going no where fast, that moment of "I'm gunna be here awhile"!! Construction is occurring...things are being torn down, reworked and rebuilt!! Oh how that "road work ahead" screams "PATIENCE IS REQUIRED" to me!!
And since PATIENCE is my middle name and all...I'm thrilled to death *ahem*!!
So, on my run this the way...were you wondering how my training is going?? Let me side track myself for a moment...its going fine! Some knee issues (my sister will look at, assess and give me a verdict on the severity this weekend) and a few hip pains...but nothing that has side lined me yet!! 1 1/2 weeks ago, I ran 12.7 miles...did great!! I have another long one (like 14 miles, I think) on Halloween weekend!! Short miles til then...all seems to moving along fairly smoothly, but slowly!! Thanks for asking!! :)
OK, now back to the regular scheduled program (which is much more important!!) I was saying...wait, what was I saying...oh, ok there it is...on my run this morning, I was having a mental flash of the "caution, road work ahead" it pertains to my life at the present!
After fussing with that patience thing for a few minutes...I remembered that the Bible says in James 1:2 "consider it pure joy..." (NIV) and then I looked up the King James Version... it says "count it all joy"!
Joy for me is fun times with the kids...when Dakota wants to snuggle (I know this is going to be NOT COOL very soon), when Ramiro sings "I will make you fishers of men, if you follow me" song, when Andre tells me how much he missed me when I was only gone to CVS for 10 minutes, and when Maddie pulls my chin over towards hers in the middle of the night for a kiss!! This is my idea of joy!! But construction...road work...?? Mostly I don't want to be "reworked"...I don't want my road to be torn down. Consider it JOY??
Our pastor had made this comment that I thought was perfect: God is more interested in the building of your faith than He is in being in a hurry to get you from point A to point B. Read it again. Point A. Point B. He's not in a hurry!! Unfortunate...but perfectly true!
These "trials of many kinds"...yes they will serve a purpose...they are part of the road that's under construction.
His plan, not mine. His timing, not mine. His praise, not mine.
Joy...yes, pure joy.
Count it ALL...pure joy!!
I know God is the master of "building roads"...therefore, I will wait patiently and consider it ALL joy!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A few more

I just can't help house is being overtaken by TASSELS!! Like 70 something of these things are needing to find a new home...hopefully the craft fair proves to be helpful in that!!
So...since I am getting several emails about these precious things (pricing, colors, etc), let me add a few more, just to make it harder and more difficult to make a decision, right??
Here's for these:
October pumpkin $15

starfish $15

big ole' fat momma bird $15

my favorite horse $25

cute little girl $15

another adorable horse $25

double hanging acorns $8

Silly santa $13

pear $13
The craft fair is Saturday and Sunday 8am-6pm.
PS...I can custom make these for ya'll too if needed!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


October 14, 2002

Went to the OB to find out that things were not going well with the baby that I had been carrying for 4 1/2-5 months. Matter of fact, it was very wrong...the heart had stopped...dead silence. An ultrasound I can still see in my mind a this moment. No movement, a heart with no rhythm. However, a placenta that appeared to still be growing.

October 15, 2002

I had surgery, which officially ended the pregnancy. I remember waking up from the anesthesia (slightly confused)...asking the nurse if the baby was ok. Baby Jaydan had already gone to be with our Lord and while we were grieving...I knew that "all things work out for good, for those who love the Lord"...and even today, while the tears seem to creep over me...I still know this to be true! I have yet to fully understand HIS ways, I trust HIS plan.

For God... this was no mistake, no accident, no surprise. For us, it rocked our world. Shook us up. Broke our hearts.

I thought I would share this picture of Baby Jaydan (when all seemed to be going along can't see it clearly here, but there are little arms and legs...even a face too! ).

It sits next to my bed...I see it most every night, after I have kissed my 4 children in their beds...I know that I still have one more, that is safely wrapped in the arms of God.

Sweet Baby are precious and you are loved!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You MUST come...

My newest "obsession" is about to make its debut...if you will be around OP this MUST come see me!! The craft fair is all day Saturday and Sunday...if you want more info please email me at and I will give you the directions!! I'm super case you don't know what these are (my husband had no idea)...they are tassels!! They are adorable on a door knob, wall hook, dresser pull, lamp or I even have smaller ones for ceiling fans!! They are too cute and make great gifts too!! Some of these are longer than my palm and fingers...I have a variety of styles (some very girly ones too), colors, and sizes!! I have been a tassel making maniac...hope they sell...if not, guess what your getting for Christmas!!?? Hee Hee!! See you there!! ***Oh ya...and I have several different decorated travel wipes cases too!! Too cute!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Andre is 4!!

My "prince charming" is now 4!! I do not know where the time has gone... but Andre is thrilled and is very excited about birthday cake! So 4 years ago today... it was a day that ran very smoothly...considering the past few attempts (Baby Jaydan and Ramiro) at successful pregnancies and deliveries...this one was perfect. I was induced because my physician was not interested in taking any chances that we could be delivering in the car (hence Ramiro's grand entrance) induced I was...and a few hours later, Andre was born!! Dan was thrilled to finally have child that had any resemblance to his Puerto Rican side of the family. Andre was dark...granted he is much lighter now...but he was hairy, dark skinned and full of eye brows!! A Latino had come!! And the "lover" was here!! I will never forget the first night after he was born...he had been crying and we (Andre and I) were both really tired from a hard days work (birthing). I wrapped him tightly with his blanket, snuggled up with him in the hospital bed and he was out like a light! He made some sweet baby noises here and there, but he slept soundly...almost all night!!

It was a wonderful memory and I can still remember being in that bed with him, all snuggled up, just mesmerized by the color of his hair, his skin and how fat he was!

I had previously had very skinny, scrawny was yummy to have some chunk and cheeks!! Andre has always been the "lover"!! From those early days, even til now...he loves to snuggle and cuddle!! One of the things I love about Andre is his complementary spirit! The child knows how to lift your spirits! Every Sunday and many other days that I might actually get dressed and put makeup on...Andre is always there telling me how nice I look, how pretty my dress is, and that my hair looks "very good"!! Funny enough, since Madelyn was born...he has started doing the same thing to her!! I'm not sure how he has known that this is very important to us girls...but that's why I call him my "prince charming"... the "lover"! He's got flattery down pat!! Many of Andre's early days are only remembered by pictures I have. I honestly can't remember much of that time...lost to exhaustion and struggling with 2 babies only 13 months apart!! One was nursing, the other on a bottle. One who couldn't move, one who never stopped. I do remember one day...wasn't one of my most favorite days however, but I was nursing Andre. Trying to relax to nurse him was a challenge with Ramiro all over the place. I had just gotten settled nursing Andre and had realized that Ramiro had gotten the front door unlocked, opened and was charging across the lawn toward the street!! Ugh...I was not in a position to be running into the road after a loose I threw a blanket over me and ran like crazy (Andre still nursing). Ramiro decided to fall out in the driveway...meaning he was going to need more attention that what one hand can offer! Poor Andre...all he was wanting was to EAT for heavens sake!! Those were some crazy days! Thank goodness Brody (our 100 lb. Weimaraner) was such a good babysitter!! He kept watch...protecting him from his next biggest brother!! And Dakota...he was a great BIG, BIG brother! You could see him at times get overwhelmed with trying to keep everyone following the the first born is inherently known for!! But, he was a wonderful help!!

As if things weren't crazy enough, I had just became a Director with Mary Kay! It was a tremendous amount of work and I'm not sure how I managed it all with such little babies! But we did!!

God had a plan though...and I'm extremely thankful for his blessing in Andre!! Andre was a total surprise (Ramiro was 3 months old when I got pregnant...who plans that??) but I'm blessed beyond belief!

Andre was a wonderful breath of fresh air...he was calm, easy going and just happy to "be"!!

He wasn't overly demanding...actually I felt bad many of times b/c I felt that he should be more needy!!

He was late to talk...Ramiro talked for him. Late to walk...Ramiro did everything for him. Didn't have much of an opinion...Ramiro decided for him!! Get the picture??
Yes, Ramiro was a BIG help...sorta!!

I laugh at this picture of Andre's first birthday...with the chocolate is funny how different these two boys are!! Actually, I should say...thank goodness they are soooo different!!
Andre is always telling us that he loves us when we leave the house, the first to greet us when we come home. Full of kisses and love.

I must say though...there is a tough little boy in there too!! I have been amazed at the punches he throws at his brothers...Andre is no push over!! Sometimes we have some trouble with the intensity in which these 3 boys can fight and punch each other!! I carry a helmet for a reason...I'm afraid of getting hurt while trying to jump in a break up the "wrestling" they call it!!

Well, Andre...Happy 4th Birthday!! I love you more than I can find words for...I'm thankful and blessed that you are my little boy!! I can't wait to see what God will be doing with your sweet spirit, your endless amounts of love, your ability to vocalize praise and affection to others, and your heart that recognizes the importance of "I love you"!!

"...He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it..."!!

Phil. 1:6
I love you...forever and ever!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Almost mature

Yesterday was my big birthday!
Yes, I'm now 29!!

It's exciting to now be 29, you know? Your not 30 yet, you can still safely say, "I'm in my twenty's" and you have another year before those weird and crazy "30 hormones" kick in. Yes, those one's that cause the "thirty something" year old girls to have crazy breakouts!! *ahem*

I'm gunna enjoy this year...being 29 and all. I'm not going to let that big "30" intimidate me. The fear of "it's time to make MATURE, 30 year old decisions", I got time to work on "mature"...I'm still in my 20's!! Maybe now I'm ALMOST MATURE!!

It was a nice day...not too fussy, just did a few things I like to know like take the kids to school, go to Goodwill to plunder around, pick the kids up, homework with birthday cake and go to bed early (because I had an early run this morning)!! Is this what other people do when they turn 29?? Well, next year...when I turn 30...I'll have a big bash!!

('s MY blog...I can be whatever age I WANT to be!!)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kisses for the soul

Another moment. Another lesson I know He is teaching me.

The other night, I was getting Madelyn ready for bed. She had just gotten out of the shower, yes she takes a shower at 15 mo. old. Actually, its with the boys (little boys). They love to all pile in there together and then we take the shower head (detachable) and hose them down, works out nicely! Herd them in, scrub 'em up, herd them out!! Anyways, back to my point here...Madelyn was smellin' so sweet and wonderful. That's what got me off on the shower tangent. Her hair and skin were so soft and she was in one of those cute cuddly moods. After I got her jammies on, I plopped her down on my bed, gave her the beloved passy and snuggled up with her. She's a kissy little thing and so she usually pulls my head over to hers and I kiss her passy, she laughs and you'll see a grin appear from behind her plug...otherwise known around here as the "mute". This particular night she puts her hand on my face to kiss, I kiss it. Then she gives me the other one, I kiss it. She gives me her foot, I kiss it. And then her other foot, I kiss it too. On to her elbows, I kiss them both. And then her ear, I kiss it. She moves her head so that I can kiss her neck, I kiss it then too. She plops her head back down on the pillow, sighs and pulls her "lovie" (satin blanket) up to her face and grins so peacefully! It was the sweetest thing I think she's ever done (in 15 months of course). She had been covered in kisses, head to toe, and within minutes was fast asleep.

I immediately (like as in I'm still kissing her feet) felt something I've never felt before. As I was giving kisses I saw myself in Madelyn. At that moment, I knew that really it was me...asking God to kiss this hurt, this one too, oh wait...I have one here as well.

God, can you heal this sore? Can you restore this pain, this disappointment, this sadness? Will you please kiss them...making them better, like only you know how to do? Lord, this one here is bleeding...if I give it to you, will you heal it also? Can you restore my sinful choices? The scars that are left, can you use them for they are more than just an ugly scar?? I want to bask in your presence, healed by your touch and know that YOU are covering me from head to toe.

It was a precious moment. For me, with Madelyn. For me, with God. I also needed "kisses". His healing. His comfort. The kind only a Savior can give.

Is anyone with me on this? Surely I'm not alone. I'm hoping that someone can relate so that I don't feel like ya'll are looking at me funny!!

As I was running this morning, still thinking about the "kisses" thing...the song "All I need" by Hillsong was playing on my Ipod. The main phrase is "all I need is You Lord". The very next song was "Nothing but the blood of Jesus"...the phrase..."what can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus" has captured me yet again today. Only God can heal, He is all I need. He is the answer to it all. Every hurt, pain, decision. Only God can make me whole.

The blood of Jesus is what "kisses" our suffering, but also our sin...His forgiveness is where it begins...healing the pain that accompanies our consequences.

How sweet it is to stay here awhile, basking in Gods goodness!!
Knowing that His kisses are a gift to the believer who surrenders themselves to Him.
He can take on the bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes and the ones that are bleeding.
And the best part??
He's always ready and willing to cover us...from head to toe!
Let me get into my jammies, for now I can rest.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kodak moments

Thought I'd do pictures today!
Madelyn's new word...she only has 3... is "HI".
And this is how her face looks for 30 seconds after she's said "HI"...maybe waiting for a response, I don't know! But it is funny!! ahem...never mind the orange outfit and pink socks...we like to be colorful around here!!!

Ramiro and Dakota...let there be war!! Those blue eyes just don't look mean enough!!

Dakota playing basketball...he's in the red shirt and black shorts!

Swoosh city!! He's the littlest one...but he's fast! Yes, he's #3...but the company that printed the shirts had a bad Monday, I think! So everyone yells..."go E"! Funny!!

This is Ramiro's first year playing basketball! Certainly is entertaining! He's the littlest one (again) in the grey shirt and black shorts...oh ya...with the chicken legs!! He's discovered that being under the basket with your hands up gives you the best chance in getting your hands on that ball!! So, that's his position...and he has no intentions to move!!

Madelyn loves her some Andre!! I'm lovin' her piggie tails!!

Don't be frightened Maddie...they're just boys and your just too irresistible!! We know all the squeezing hurts sometimes....sorry!!