Thursday, January 1, 2009

The First

Yahoo...January 1, 2009!
Somedays I thought it would never come...other days it seemed so close! Never-the-less, it's here now!
As I watch my kids grow...I feel sure these holidays come faster and faster every year!

I will post some pics from our Alabama trip...later...we had a great time!

I ran my 23 miles on Saturday and did great! It was a hoot b/c my sister rode a bicycle and had 2 of her friends join us for some of the time also! I had drink bottles handed to me, PB&J sandwich handoffs, and rice balls! My sister carried everything in her backpack so I didn't have to run with it...we forgot the camera...I'm mad b/c it was quite the sight to see!! The last 2 miles were a struggle...Carrie had to come up with some interesting stories of her massage clients to keep me from whining too much...but we did it!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Carrie!! And Kristen and Amanda too!! And to my family who watched 4 crazy kids while I was running. Oh and btw...would you believe that I did it in 3 1/2 hours!! Oh yes baby...I was cruzin!!

So today I will go on my first run for 2009. I will also start a Bible memorizing challenge with Beth Moore and Living Proof Ministries...a first for me!! Love that lady! First thing this morning I mapped out how to finish paying of our credit card in 3 months!! Big Yahoo!! And also today I will clean like a crazy woman...I like a clean house first and foremost!!

Beth Moore says that she's sure that this is going to be a Jesus year! For me, I know that it has to be...the year that God teaches me, leads me and grows me up in Him! As I listened to the fireworks last night (I was in bed, I know...bbbooorrring), as I thought about everyone celebrating the new year...I smiled and rested my head peacefully on my pillow...I'm celebrating too! Maybe not really over 2009...but what God has brought me through to get me to 2009! I had my own fireworks of thanksgiving!!

**update**...I had to come back and add this. I calculated my miles (yes, I keep good records of every run) ran in the year 2008...drum roll please...537.7 miles!! Another first!!

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