Sunday, January 11, 2009

The run of familiarity

Yesterday I did my 7 mile run (per my training schedule for the upcoming marathon). Before I left the house I had a route planned out...I was going to travel for 4 miles down a new path in town and then come back. Clearly that would put me over 7 miles, but hey who's counting? I thought that even though this part of the trail was newer and parts of it I had been on once or twice before, I hadn't been on the newest extended part and figured it would be interesting to see about it. Whew, did that make sense?

I strapped on my shoes and knee braces, got my ipod situated, grabbed my sunglasses and was out the door. I pushed "play" and was on my way, ready to simply put one foot in front of the other. I guess I also "checked out" for a few. About 7 minutes later I realized I had taken a wrong turn from what I had originally planned for the day. I had taken a left, heading straight toward my normal 3 mile loop that I run twice a week! Once I realized that there were a few minutes there that I don't remember, I started to worry about the 7 mile thing...why would I have gone this way, how am I gunna get 7 miles out of this 3 mile loop?

It wasn't long until this blog came to mind...this post specifically. To be more specific...the title. I realized that more than a new trail, the interest of seeing new things and being somewhere different...what I really needed was familiarity. At this time in my life, everything is new. I'm experiencing things I never knew about, thought about or felt. I'm nervous. I'm emotional. I'm struggling to just keep things predictable. Some runs are incredibly fun because they are a new adventure and the scenery is fresh. On Saturday, I needed familiar. I needed the predictability of the ground, the sounds, the sights. I would know exactly how far I had gone, and how much farther I needed to go. I know each mile and can almost run it in my sleep! Nothing new. Nothing different to experience. I've had enough of that for the week.

As I ran along my familiar path, everything was as it had been the day before, the week before and how it was last year. Same trees, same houses, same people walking the roads. It was a relief really. The run of familiarity was perfect.

Of course, it reminded me of the wonderful love of the Lord. His heart that never changes. His love that doesn't give up and His promises that He always delivers on! Oh how I love the pedictablility of that. He can be counted on because He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Oh and another other thing that can be counted kids will not always be thrilled with this...matching Christmas jammies! But while they are...I'm all over it!!

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