Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The truth be told

Ok, so the race...ya well its now 4 days away! Oh let me say that again, with the intensity that I really feel is more telling...THE RACE IS NOW 4 DAYS AWAY!!! Me panic?? No such thing.

So let me review:
I am supposed to be carb loading...check. Plus, chocolate ice cream is carbs too!
Protein pumping...does fried chicken last night count?
Stretching...I felt a pull in my hamstring while bending over Dakota's bed checking his fever (104 this morning...eecckk!!), I held it for a few seconds...maybe it will be sufficient, maybe not!
Running 3 miles/ twice this far I'm running to the pantry for Tylenol and the throw up bucket...for sure won't count! No other running has happened this week.
Sleeping...not so much...getting into bed by11pm. Tossing, turning all night long. Can't sleep through Dakota's dog cough and Madelyn's face plastered next to mine!
Relaxing...fat chance! Ramiro has personally taken that on as a project this week, it won't happen!
Staying away from sicko's...well, since they are all living in my house right now (and appear to have strep!!)...and I'm responsible for caring for them...this got thrown out the window the second I wrote it in my last post! Shame on me for even mentioning it!! I'm out to get that kid that has coughed all over my healthy kids!! I've since become a Lysol spraying maniac!!

Took Dakota to dr...strep test negative. Swab up the nose for flu test, positive! Now all 4 kids+ me are on Tamiflu! That would be a nice $150 bill today that was NOT in the Dave Ramsey budget for the month! And yes, that's after our nice BC/BS insurance!! Sweet. But I'm thankful I have a pediatrician who cares that I can not get sick right now...btw, she's a runner!!

So, am I excited about the race? Ready to run my little heart out?
Oh yes...after playing nurse all week...I'm looking forward to being away from all this mess and go run for 4 hours!! Play day for me!! I can't wait!!
Never mind that my prep week has absolutely not happened like I wanted it to...I'm hoping it was all over rated anyways!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the race. Just wanted you to know that I was following your journey.