Saturday, January 2, 2010

HAPPY New Year!

Happy New Year!!

I've waved goodbye to 2009...

and gladly welcomed 2010!

As I sit here this morning at my desk, looking out the window at the snow (ok well heavy flurries) and the mountains, the wind is blowing like crazy. The trees are swaying and the flurries are blowing sideways!

Its beautiful!

Its heavenly!

It's home!

Most years, on New Years, I have spent much time thinking back over the year...the events, the memories, the highlights and not-so highlights. Seems like the thing to do I guess, and as I have looked over the blogs I follow... most of them are full of the same!

This year, I can't hardly do it. I've started to go there in my mind many of times and it quickly becomes too much.

Too much pain.

Too much sadness.

Too many memories.

Too many blessings.

Too many "God Moments".

2009 has been one of the hardest years of my life. So much so that when I think about it, my heart feels blank.

2009 has also been a year full of moments that only God could have orchestrated. His hand has been seen in every detail of my life that at times it has sent me into full out belly laughs! I have gone from gut-wrenching tears one moment to joyful laughter the next...because God had once again made provisions! It has blown me away!

I have many pictures from Christmas that I want to post, things that God has shown me, and moments that I want to recount...I will get to it all soon. I'm still trying to process it all, one piece at a moment at a time!

2009 ended with a kiss from the Lord that has sent me into overwhelming emotions...once again, His provisions in the details of my life! I want to share them, and I will... but first, I need to spend time at the feet of my Father in adoration for all He has done! And, I still need time to make sense of it all.

From January 1, 2009 to January 1, 2010... this road has been like nothing I ever could have imagined. The deepest pains to the highest joys!

The road ahead still needs healing, still needs time to mend...but it looks brighter than I ever thought. It is full of God's goodness and His richest blessings...I see it! I believe it now more than ever!!

I am thankful that I can honestly say


1 comment:

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

I didn't know you had a blog!!

2009 was a very hard year for us. I'm glad to see it go.