Friday, January 8, 2010

The "sensory child" without meds

This is how you would play Guitar Hero if you were not able to take your medication...

and you had an SI Dysfunction!!

My precious child, Ramiro...who besides having ADHD, also has a Sensory Integration Dysfunction, takes two separate medications everyday in order to manage himself and keep things on an even keel! SID is where your sensory receptors and processing is all out of wack! What should be painful isn't...and what isn't somehow causes great pain! Those with SID are unsure of new things because they don't have previous experience in which to go on. Our senses are incredibly important to our experiences and how we relate to the world around us! Cotton balls used to throw Ramiro into melt down mode! But thankfully, there are meds now that help these children navigate their surroundings and allow them more normal sensations!

Thank God for them!

He is not one of those "over diagnosed- unnecessarily medicated" children...he NEEDS them and he is able to function normally in most all activities when he is on them!

However, for this weekend...we are without his afternoon medication, the one that really helps his sensory issues. These meds must be prescribed every month, with a paper script, picked up in person from the dr office and then taken to the pharmacy in person. Right now the dr office is closed, all roads to get to the office are closed, the pharmacy is open for a few hours today but I can't get off the mountain here to take them the script, if I had one. We are just out of luck!

The schools are closed and this is where it all went wrong...they have his meds!! ugh...why didn't I go get them when there was talk about the schools closing!!??

Well, I guess its cause I'm a bone head from Florida who didn't think "snow, ice, schools closing"!

So, here we are now... it is not even 20 degrees (wind chill makes it feel something like 15) and Ramiro has NO SHIRT on because its itchy (and he would be with no pants too if I would have let him...gotta draw the line somewhere!!) and he can not simply stand in front of the tv to play Guitar Hero! Turning around backwards and upside down to watch something moving on the tv would make my stomach a knotted mess. But for him (particularly when off meds)...this is totally normal!!

He is currently outside (and btw, he doesn't think its cold...another interesting thing with sensory kids) playing in the snow...but it took him some time to "warm up" to the idea. Yesterday he stayed inside the first half of the day and watched from the window. He wasn't sure about white stuff falling from the sky. He was so cute as he watched Dakota and Andre play and said "maybe I won't really like the white stuff on me". He later gave in and found out that it was in fact pretty darn fun!!

This is gunna be a very long weekend for all of us and make no mistake about it...this won't happen again!! I might have to beat down the nurses door at the school...but we won't be going without his meds again!!

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