Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear legs.....

Dear legs,
Please keep on, keeping on.
I need you to not give out on me just yet.
I know, I know....I see the eye rolls and hear the groans as I head over to my running shoes and lace them up.
I hear your warnings of "I'm giving you 2 more miles, and then your done chic!", and I haven't listened.
I know I'm pushing my luck right now.
I've asked a lot out of you recently, but I need ya'll to hang with me just a bit more.
We are a team here, and this soul's in need of movement and open spaces.
A lot of it.
I promise to make it up to you...
ice baths and massages maybe?
Thanks, ya'll are my BFF's and I wouldn't trade you for nothin'!

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