Friday, January 28, 2011

She's a funny one.

This child has begun to develop a very funny sense of humor!
It thrills me to death cause I know she's gunna need it-
you know with me as her mother and all,
not to mention she has 3 older brothers!
Here are a few recently:
Me: "Oh Maddie, did you fluff (toot)? Cause it's killing me!?!?"
*her response was without hesitation and very mater of fact*
Maddie: "nope. that was a skunk."
As Madelyn was scratching my back one day:
"Momma what's this?"
Me: "that's my spine, my back bone"
Madelyn: "oh no its not, that's string cheese!"
Me: "Maddie, there'd better not be anything back there that looks like cheese"
Madelyn: "yep, there is!"
(upon finding her in the bathroom using qtips...a big NO-NO!)
"Madelyn Rose, just what are you doing with those qtips?"
Maddie: "I'm picking boogers out of my ears"
And then this morning as we were snuggling
and she was rubbing my head.....
Maddie: "Uh-Oh Mommy, I feel no brain in here"

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